It worked. But that's definitely not very user friendly. Could you
make a patch that displays the starting board position? You might also
display a "header" at the top and along the left side to show the
column and row notation. Probably something similar to what I showed
on the latest C programming video, about an extended ASCII table of
the printable characters:

(skip ahead to 24:30 in the video)

Of course, a better solution would be to let the user select a piece
to move by "navigating" with the up/down/left/right arrow keys, and
hitting Space or Enter to select the piece to move .. and then
selecting a position to move the piece to. That would be more
complicated to do, because you need to validate the possible move as
the user selects a new position to move to. But that would be much
friendlier to the user.

But that's just my 2cents on user-friendly.


On Wed, Jun 23, 2021 at 6:22 PM Paul Dufresne <> wrote:
> The "board" only shows after your had enter your first move:
> Try "e2e4" Enter.
> But you have to know a bit chess notation:
> K=king, Q=Queen, R=Root, B=Bishop N=kNight, P=Pawn

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