
On 6 Oct 2021, at 23:12, Steve Nickolas wrote:

> On Wed, 6 Oct 2021, tom ehlert wrote:
>>>> users will have FAR more than 60 GB disk size and you can
>>>> have only 24 drive letters from C: to Z:
>>> Up to 32 under some DOS/Windows versions:
>>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drive_letter_assignment#Common_assignments
>> while technically true, it just doesn't make ever sense to have setup
>> split *automatically* a hard disk into 24 (or 32) partitions.
>> this auto partitioning option(?) simply should go the way of the dodo.
>> Tom
> For what it's worth, while MS-DOS and PC DOS autopartition, DR DOS doesn't, 
> and just runs FDISK.
> That is probably the better route?

it would be a better route with an expanded FDISK utility that has a less 
hostile interface for beginners and offers an "auto-partitioning" feature. Some 
of the BSD-Unix installers (OpenBSD, NetBSD) could be used as inspiration.



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