Hello Jerome,

Second… I really haven’t looked into this one at all. But, I think it would be 
possible to use Core Boot, SeaBios or something else to provide Legacy BIOS 
support ourselves on UEFI only systems. This would be a good deal of work. It 
also still leaves the problem of sound drivers and other hardware support. This 
might also require some thin hardware emulation layer. But, it should be doable.

About this particular direction:

One problem with SeaBIOS --- as it now stands --- is that it uses a very
specific memory layout, and the precise addresses of all the base memory
areas that it needs to are all fixed at build time.

I have been tinkering with the SeaBIOS code and trying to see if I can
get it to load in RAM rather than ROM, and possibly get parts of it to
go into extended memory (https://github.com/tkchia/seabiosify), but this
is definitely non-trivial.  (And, it is possible that I am doing it all

One attractive thing about the SeaBIOS code is that it seems to include
support for USB, including USB keyboards.

I have had some success meanwhile in getting a UEFI program to look for
legacy option ROMs (e.g. for VGA) in the system firmware, and bring them
up --- see https://github.com/tkchia/biefircate .  Admittedly, this only
really works on systems that still have some degree of support for
legacy APIs.

So I guess yes, this general direction will almost certainly be a good
deal of work, and we will probably need all the help we can get.

Thank you!

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