Yes, your redesign is a leap forward. However in the upper menu I miss links
"join development" and "documentation"
---------- Původní e-mail ----------
Od: Jim Hall <jh...@freedos.org>
Komu: freedos-devel@lists.sourceforge.net <freedos-devel@lists.sourceforge.
Datum: 24. 1. 2022 1:06:30
Předmět: [Freedos-devel] Almost there with the updated FreeDOS website
"Thanks everyone for your feedback on the updated FreeDOS website. I'm
*almost* there with the updated site, and I'm hoping to put it live in
a few days.

If you'd like to see the work in progress:

What's done:

- front page
- Forums
- my page
- my Patreon page
- History
- Trademark
- Impressum
- Books

Not done yet:

- About
- About -> Games
- About -> Applications
- About -> Programming
- Download
- News (need to build a new feed, but that's minor)
- Bugs (also planning a form to enter a bug report to GitLab without a
GitLab account)

I haven't added the "latest version is" text on the front page yet,
but that's on my "to-do" list as well.

I'm incorporating the content from the old Links page into each of the
"About" pages. For example, I'll link to where to download the free
{personal use} Turbo C and Desmet C when you're on the "About ->
Programming" page. By incorporating the links on these pages, my goal
is to eliminate the old Links page entirely.

I've been planning the new website for many months now, going through
several iterations in design and content organization. I think the
current version is looking really good. However, all designs can be
improved. I'm working with a university professor at MTU and his
Usability class in Spring semester (that's right now) to do a
usability test for the new website.

The Usability students need to have a "frozen" version of the website
to test against, so the site doesn't change while they are testing it.
Once I make the new website live, the students will do their tests
using the https://test.freedos.org/ website. I might make tweaks to
the www site during that time, but not to the test site until the
students are done with their tests (semester ends in early May).

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