Hello Jim,

Glad to see a website redesign. Just some comments at first glance:

- “Download FreeDOS” and “FreeDOS on YouTube” buttons would work better 
aligned, maybe a nice command prompt screenshot would help? Currently looks a 
bit empty with the whitespace on top and bottom. Also a screenshot is kind of 
necessary for showcasing an operating system.
- "What you need” part takes too much space, it would be nice to have it a bit 
more compact. Again, buttons on the right look too lonely.
- The website typeface looks a bit outdated (too 2003). Maybe using Helvetica, 
and then falling back to Arial and Liberation Sans for Windows and Linux 
systems respectively would look better? There are better typefaces but I’d 
rather not increase the page load with web fonts. This is subjective though, 
just my personal preference.
- An automatic dark mode would be a nice perk.
- Putting “Bugs” to main page does not communicate well. “Development” would be 
better, since I see that it links to Gitlab. Bug report information can still 
be added.
- Renaming “Forums” as “Community” would express itself better.

In addition to above, just something that I thought of right now…

While we’re at it, you might want to consider registering the #freedos channel 
on Libera IRC server, and advertising it on the website. For the next phase, 
bridging this channel with XMPP and Matrix (and maybe Discord since it’s too 
popular) would definitely enlarge the community and help new development power 
come into being.

Best regards,
Emir (𐰽𐰺𐰍)

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