On Tue, 12 Jul 2022, C. Masloch wrote:

Your technique is the default way to do this, most TSRs ever written did it that way. The SMC is just a small optimisation over it.

Codegolfing is good, when done right. :D

If you really want to continue to use the free software release of Microsoft's Debug, you may want to look into the following:

* Some notes on building the original sources, probably not needed if you already figured out how to manage that. [1]

Yeah, I'd actually managed to roll a few things before then, though I think I may have referenced that later.

* A fix to the CALL 5 bug (that was preserved all the way into the latest Microsoft Debug versions) [2]

Yep, started from that codebase.

I think John Elliott might have been the first one to actually roll MSDOS.SYS.

* Some discussion on additional bugs in this Debug (might be fixed by later MS-DOS Debug) at [3], in particular the fact that it doesn't set itself up as self-parented and also fails to create a proper child PSP for the client when just assembling into the code segment. The child PSP problem is not relevant when loading a program into the debugger.

* For historical reference, there are some versions of the original 86-DOS Monitor and Debug out there, some of which explicitly note that copyright does not apply to them.

Other than that, do have a look at FreeDOS Debug [4] or my repo of its history going back decades [5], as well as my fork, lDebug [6]. Another fork with fewer changes is debug.gen [7]. There is also Enhanced Debug in the same family but that one is not free software, it's not redistributable.


Yeah, I'm aware of the PC DOS guy's fork of FreeDOS DEBUG.

It's interesting that in an operating system that is mostly GPL, that one component happened to end up X11-licensed, and MS picked the same license when they opened up MS-DOS 2.11...

I managed to get EDLIN and DEBUG to roll with WASM with some help from someone on Libera, and it was a bit of an undertaking. EDLIN was easier, I think. But the code is a bit nasty - delves into MS-DOS internals to get the current directory instead of just calling GETPWD (AH=47), and uses FCBs for everything instead of "Xenix functions". Like, it's a transitional version before all the "Xenix" stuff got fully brought in or something. Eugh.


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