On 7/12/2022 9:13 AM, Steve Nickolas wrote:
On Tue, 12 Jul 2022, Ralf Quint wrote:

On 7/12/2022 3:01 AM, Steve Nickolas wrote:

For some reason I don't understand (me am n00b) the footprint is 144 bytes larger than the MS-DOS 5/6 version, but the binary is smaller.

Most commonly, these kind of things are due to a different amount of stack or other dynamic memory being allocated...


For what it's worth, I don't allocate anything.

Could be an issue in my math (generating the paragraph count), or maybe I'm including something I shouldn't.  I've never written TSRs before and I'm a n00b to ASM.

(I do keep graftabl in revision control as part of a larger project.)

Stack allocation could be implicit. Don't know how NASM is handling this, as I wouldn't touch that one with a barge pole... ;-)
Check the list file when assembling this..


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