On Sat, Aug 27, 2022, 9:42 AM Bret Johnson <bretj...@juno.com> wrote:

> I have a program but have never officially released called ISLOADED which
> I can upload/email to whoever wants to use/see it (including the source
> code).   It tests for lots of things like video, serial/parallel ports,
> ANSI, DPMI/DPMS/VCPI, mouse driver, character device drivers (by name),
> etc.  It is designed specifically to be used in batch files by returning an
> ErrorLevel -- 0 if the thing being tested is installed/loaded and 1 if it
> is not.
> If you're asking about more than one thing at a time, it returns
> ErrorLevel 255.  For example, if you want to know if the video is
> compatible with VGA, "ISLOADED VGA" will return ErrorLevel 0 if it is
> compatible with VGA and 1 if it isn't.  "ISLOADED VideoCard" will return
> ErrorLevel 255 no matter what type of video card you have, but will also
> display on the screen what type of video card you have (e.g., it will tell
> you it is a VGA).
> ISLOADED also includes CPU tests (specifically 80286, 80386, ..., 80686).
> The CPU tests are an "equal to or greater than" type of test.  E.g.,
> "ISLOADED 80286" will return true (ErrorLevel 0) if the CPU is AT LEAST an
> 80286, 1 if it is an 8086/8088/80186.  "ISLOADED CPU" will return
> ErrorLevel 255 but will display on the screen the type of CPU.
> There is no documentation for ISLOADED (part of the reason I've never
> released it).  "ISLOADED" (with no options) provides a basic help screen
> which includes a list of all the different things that can be tested.
> Is anybody interested?

Interesting. I'd like to see it, if you release it under an open source
license somewhere.

Could you put it on GitHub or GitLab or SourceForge or... and share the
link here?

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