Could you share the specific floppy/RAM options for VirtualBox and what
version you are running?

I was able to build the kernel from Linux with OpenWatcom 1.9 and run it in
VirtualBox (v6.1 32MB RAM, 1.44MB floppy, no hard drive) and on my P1-75
(24MB RAM, 1.44 and 1.2MB floppy and 2GB CF).
The defaults there (config.m) were 386+ and FAT32.  It looks like it has
the same defaults in config.b.

How are you getting from the built kernel + sys to a bootable image?
I wasn't sure if I could just use the FAT12 bootsector unmodified (sys.c
looks like it does some patching), so I booted into MS-DOS and used the
install.bat from bin to SYS A: and grabbed the built from

I was unable to successfully complete the build in Windows 7 with either
mingw32-make or build.bat.  I'll spend more time poking at this another day.


On Thu, Oct 27, 2022 at 2:02 PM tom ehlert <> wrote:

> > Does it make a difference on your computer if the kernel is
> > compiled for 386+ vs 86+  ?  Was this on real computer or virtual?
> it was a VirtualBox machine.
> I only changed in build.bat from build.b the compiler setting, using
> OCWIN, so it probably was 8086
> of course I have a very specific floppy, RAM setup aso.
> however at this point ("GO!") almost all of this is irrelevant.
> if that helps, I can upload the contents of the resulting
> freedos-master\* directory.
> Tom
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