Hi Bret,

Yep! You said it all much better and in far greater detail than I went into. 

Thanks. :-)


> On Jan 23, 2023, at 1:54 PM, Bret Johnson <bretj...@juno.com> wrote:
>> by the way, the 2 programs are the setup stuff and edlin. hardly
>> rocket science.
> Even those two "simple" programs would probably be considered "rocket 
> science", or at least akin to "learning a foreign language", by most students 
> who are only used to modern technology and web apps.  Low-level stuff like 
> I/O and IRQ and BIOS emulation isn't flamboyant enough for most younger 
> people to get involved with these days.
> ****
>> Perhaps it could be used to solve one of the most frequent problems
>> I hear. Running FreeDOS on modern UEFI hardware.
> I think that is the main point of it all.
>> As we are all well aware, this cannot be directly accomplished and
>> would require an abstraction layer between the OS and the actual
>> hardware.
> It actually can, at least in certain situations.  The fundamental problem, at 
> least as I see it, is I/O.  I know a lot of the talk seems to be around sound 
> cards, but let's discuss it in terms of something a little simpler: joysticks.
> A regular, old-fashioned joystick uses an I/O port, specifically port 201h.  
> There is also a BIOS function that lets you access the joystick, INT 15.84.  
> Over the years as computers got faster and joysticks got more complicated 
> (more buttons and axes), the INT 15.84 BIOS interface effectively became 
> useless.  Modern programs that want to use a joystick almost never use INT 
> 15.84 and instead try to talk to I/O port 201h directly.  That has caused all 
> kinds of problems.
> Sound cards have a similar, yet slightly different, problem.  There was NEVER 
> a widely support BIOS-level interface for sound cards.  The de facto 
> "standards" that everyone seemed to base their sound card designs on were Ad 
> Lib and Sound Blaster which were fundamentally hardware (I/O) based and 
> proprietary (they also used things like DMA's and IRQ's).
> Now, we're in a world where USB is pretty much the standard port for 
> everything plugged into the computer (certainly for joysticks and to a large 
> extent for sound devices).  From a hardware perspective, the USB host 
> controllers are the only things that actually talk to the "real" I/O ports 
> (sometimes PIO but usually MMIO).  DOS programs still expect to see the 
> joysticks on I/O port 201h and the sound cards at various I/O ports, but 
> those ports don't exist on the real hardware any more and must somehow be 
> virtualized.
> The problem is even worse when you're using something like DPMI.  DPMI does 
> allow thunking down to the lower level (the DOS/16-bit "layer") for 
> interrupts but doesn't provide a standard way to thunk for I/O ports.  Since 
> a way to thunk I/O isn't provided, every single DPMI-based program needs to 
> understand things like USB and all the different kinds of devices that can be 
> USB-attached.  Of course, none of them understand USB and none of them thunk 
> the I/O, either.
> It is possible to virtualize I/O in DOS with MS EMM386 and with Quailitas' 
> 386MAX.  JEMM also has a proprietary way to virtualize I/O with JLOAD, and I 
> am currently trying to add the MS/Qualitas-style capability to JEMM.  But 
> those methods will only work with programs that don't use DPMI or that thunk 
> the I/O from DPMI.  IOW, many old programs would need to be rewritten change 
> the way they do things to work properly on modern hardware without a VM.  
> That ain't gonna happen.
> What a Virtual Machine does is provide another level of abstraction between 
> the real hardware (e.g., the I/O ports associated with the USB hardware) and 
> the virtualized hardware (e.g., I/O port 201h that a DPMI program is 
> expecting to see a joystick attached to).  With this extra layer of 
> abstraction, the DPMI program doesn't need to do the "thunking" -- it is 
> handled "automatically" by the abstraction layer that sits between the real 
> hardware (real I/O ports) and the virtualized hardware (virtualized I/O 
> ports).
> That hardware abstraction layer is one of the main things that Virtual 
> Machines provide.  Of course, different VMs virtualize different hardware 
> devices.  I think they all do mice and keyboards and disks, a lot of them do 
> Ethernet cards and printers, but only some of them will do things like PC 
> Speakers and joysticks and sound devices.
> One of the main things that Windows has done is to move the BIOS _function_ 
> (an abstraction layer between the hardware and the software) up into the OS 
> itself.  In fact, Microsoft at least used to call it the "Hardware 
> Abstraction Layer" or HAL, but I don't know if they still call it that or 
> not.  *nix does something similar -- they have hardware-specific drivers 
> (that talk to devices at the I/O level) and then have a "layer" that a 
> program "talks to" when it wants to send or receive data from some particular 
> device.  The program doesn't need to know what kind of hardware port the 
> device is attached to.
> DOS has always expected that abstraction layer to be provided by the BIOS.  
> For example, if you use the BIOS INT 13h function for disk access you don't 
> need to know if the DISK is MFM/RLL, ESDI, SCSI, IDE/ATA, USB, or whatever.  
> The INT 13h abstraction layer hides all that from you.  The Ethernet packet 
> driver interface is similar -- it provides a standard software interface that 
> Ethernet programs can talk to and they don't need to understand the nuances 
> of every different kind of Ethernet card.  While the Ethernet packet driver 
> interface doesn't actually exist in the BIOS, it provides an abstraction 
> layer similar to what a BIOS would provide if there were one.  My DOS USB 
> drivers provide a similar BIOS-level interface for the USB host controllers 
> (but a specific USB device, like a joystick, needs an additional layer before 
> a program can "see" a USB joystick).
> In modern computers the BIOS abstraction layer no longer exists -- it has 
> been moved up into the (modern) OS itself.  From a user perspective, I think 
> it was a very bad mistake to let that happen but we're way too far down the 
> road to go back.
>> A project could be created to provide a very thin Linux based system
>> (possibly using an RTOS kernel) whose only job is to manage the
>> abstraction layer and implement the virtual machine to run FreeDOS. 
>> This could be done almost transparently. Booting straight to DOS
>> unless the user pressed a specific key (Like F1) during boot. 
>> Pressing such a key would bring up a BIOS like interface that could
>> be used to change the virtual BIOS settings and configure drivers
>> and such aspects of the host OS.
>> Their job would be to create that interface and make it all work
>> seemingly. Most of the pieces required exist. But, it would not be a
>> small task to implement.
> No, it wouldn't.  And I think you're also assuming it would be based on some 
> existing Linux VM (like QEMU or KVM or something like that).  Some existing 
> VMs provide enough of a BIOS emulation that it may be a partial solution, but 
> it would need to provide enough specific hardware support that I'm not 
> exactly sure how "thin" it could actually be.  It will still need to include 
> all the hardware drivers for all the modern hardware that could potentially 
> need to be virtualized to be used by the DOS VM.  One advantage would be 
> standardization (e.g., all sound devices could be virtualized as one of the 
> SoundBlaster models).
>> It could yield much better performance and more accurate emulation
>> than traditional virtual machines. With todays multi-core systems,
>> individual cores could be dedicated to emulating various aspects of
>> PC hardware. For example, one core could be dedicated to performing
>> the tasks handled by a sound card.
> In theory, yes, but probably not a place to go.  Modern systems generally run 
> too fast to run older programs correctly (especially games).  I think such a 
> VM would still need to accurately emulate various types and speeds of 
> hardware rather than just running as fast as it can all the time, similar to 
> what some (but not all) modern VMs do.
>> I think such a project could appeal to many. There is a lot of
>> interest in playing old games. Also, since this would be a generic
>> legacy PC emulation layer. It could be used to install other
>> Operating Systems like MS-DOS, PC-DOS, etc.
> Or even older versions of Windows.
> ****
>> I think I actually proposed a similar idea some time ago except that
>> it was *itself* the OS, rather than a stripped-down Linux distro.
>> Sort-of a pre-AMD64 PC emulator, virtualizing where possible,
>> emulating where not.
> I think a "thin" Linux distro has the best chance of working and also the 
> best chance of getting volunteers to work on.  You still need all the 
> real-to-virtual I/O port stuff to be handled somewhere/somehow, and I think 
> Linux would be the best place to find existing resources that could provide 
> the necessary level of support.  You certainly can't expect to get it from MS.
>> As for all the people saying "make FreeDOS more like Linux", they
>> don't seem to understand FreeDOS *or* Linux.
> Indeed.
> ****
>> This is a very sketchy thought, but...
>> AIUI, the way that 386 memory managers for DOS work is that they put
>> the CPU into protect mode, map RAM into upper memory blocks as DOS
>> wants, then start a single, non-multitasking V86 mode VM for DOS
>> itself.
>> That basic process would be enough to boot a DOS instance, wouldn't
>> it?
> No, not really.  Before you can run a Memory Manager you need a BIOS and an 
> OS to install it on.
>> "All" it needs is a memory manager that can start as a 32-bit
>> process, set up a few interrupts -- INT 11 for the hard disk, for
>> instance -- start a single V86 process, and then kick DOS off in
>> that process. Then a stub program for DOS to load in CONFIG.SYS to
>> enable the memory manager.
> No, not quite.  For example, the way MS Windows worked (back before NT when 
> Windows was actually a DOS program) was that when Windows started it would 
> send a special call to EMM386 that told EMM386 to shut itself off.  Windows 
> would transfer a little bit of information from EMM386 (but it would NOT, 
> e.g., transfer the I/O virtualization information) and then would handle the 
> EMM386 stuff 'The Windows Way".  When Windows exited, it would tell EMM386 to 
> turn on again.  Exactly how that all worked was proprietary to MS which is 
> why other memory managers are incompatible with Windows.  Bob Smith and 
> Qualitas managed to work through some of those issues, but I'm not sure they 
> ever figured out the whole thing.  I do believe 386MAX was able to work with 
> Windows, at least partially.  BTW, this process was called GEMMIS (if you 
> want to try and look it up).
>> Normally, DOS starts EMM386 or JEMM386 or whatever. This way round,
>> JEMM386 starts DOS.
> Nice thought, but I don't think it will work.  You need much more than a 
> memory manager -- you really need a BIOS and an OS also.  Even though I don't 
> particularly like Jerome's idea of a "Thin Linux" (I really would like things 
> to run on real hardware), it may be the most reasonable solution.
> ****
>> There could be a small image containing a thin linux host that is
>> booted by system. Possibly in it’s own partition or image file.
>> This host then provides an abstraction layer which then boots the
>> system like it was a PC with a legacy BIOS. Most likely providing a
>> some abstracted and emulated hardware like a SoundBlaster compatible
>> audio card. The Client OS (FreeDOS) would be installed to a normal
>> partition on the drive. 
>> Providing support to also map things like I/O ports from the host OS
>> to the client, to allow the possibility of connecting real legacy
>> hardware to the machine (like CNC machines and TTY devices).
> Again, I think the I/O stuff is the real point to emphasize, though I'm not 
> sure how effective you can be in mapping I/O ports for old hardware.  You 
> don't even have a real ISA bus any more (at least not any ISA card slots) -- 
> even that is "virtualized" and only exists in the software/firmware.   
> ****
> Here's maybe another way to think about it.  DOS was originally written to 
> site "on top" of the BIOS, and the BIOS sat directly "on top" of the 
> hardware.  In DOS you could bypass the BIOS and go directly to the hardware 
> if you wanted, but it was usually better to go through the BIOS (at least if 
> the BIOS did what you wanted it to do).  The way modern hardware works, 
> that's not really possible any more.  Now, the "BIOS" is simply an 
> "abstraction layer" in the OS itself.  To virtualize a BIOS for DOS to use, 
> the OS must inject a new "translation layer" between the real hardware and 
> the BIOS that DOS needs to virtualize the old types of hardware (I/O ports) 
> that no longer exist.  The way this is done on modern machines is to 
> completely "encircle" DOS in a Virtual Machine rather than simply providing a 
> "translation layer" between the BIOS and the hardware.
> For awhile, the UEFI manufacturers provided a CSM (Compatibility Support 
> Module) as the "translation layer" so you didn't need a VM.  But they've even 
> stopped doing that nowadays.  So, we'll either need to come up with a 
> "generic CSM" that doesn't need a VM but still provides the needed level of 
> hardware support both now and in the future, or we'll need to do some kind of 
> "thin VM" as Jerome is suggesting.  I think the second option has a better 
> chance of long-term viability even though I would prefer the first.
> I also think the second would be something that might be more interesting to 
> Google aficionados but it is FAR from trivial. 
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