On Tue, 26 Dec 2023, Jim Hall via Freedos-devel wrote:

I actually never learned DOS assembly programming, but decided I'd
like to start.

What assembler do you recommend, and where is a good place to start
learning about DOS assembly programming? Start with a "Hello world"
program and eventually move up to writing an assembly version of TYPE
and CHOICE, things like that.

I was thinking about NASM, since it's open source and we include it in
the distribution. Looking around, I found a bunch of tutorials on
https://asmtutor.com/ that look easy enough to follow, although it's
for Linux. Any similar tutorials to learn DOS assembly programming?

I've used NASM because it's easier than the traditional x86 assemblers. A simple .COM might look like this:

          cpu       8086
          org       0x0100
entry:    mov       dx, msg
          mov       ah, 0x09            ; PUTSTR
          int       0x21
          mov       ax, 0x4C00
          int       0x21                ; EXIT CODE 0
msg:      db        "Hello, cruel world.", 13, 10, "$"

My own implementation of CHOICE is actually written in NASM - it's one of the programs I wrote to learn x86 ASM (and it reads a lot like I was thinking in 6502).


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