Hallo Herr Steve Nickolas via Freedos-devel,

am Dienstag, 30. April 2024 um 17:07 schrieben Sie:

> On Tue, 30 Apr 2024, Bernd Böckmann via Freedos-devel wrote:

>> Sadly not. Only the binaries are released under MIT through the repository.
>>> Does that mean we finally have a genuinely open sourced OMF linker?
>>> -hpa

> It's my opinion that including them was more of a fortuitous accident than 
> actual intent.  I'd _like_ to try to migrate as much as possible away from 
> them and onto something like OpenWatcom 1.9, but it's proving to be a pain in 
> the neck.  Ideally, I'd like to organize the source a little better too so 
> that there isn't a lot of stuff being compiled and assembled in the INC 
> folder.

> I started bashing on a copy of the tree, and I started to get stuff rolled in 
> Watcom, but mainly ran into trouble over parse(), sysloadmsg() and 
> sysdispmsg(), which are ASM and mostly call into deep, dark, officially 
> undocumented parts of DOS and could probably be replaced, if I could figure 
> out what they were doing in the first place...

> No luck doing the same with the kernel or any of the other ASM stuff. 
> Watcom's MASM emulation isn't 5.1-tier.

I have no idea why I would recompile old MS stuff, but as a hobby it's ok.

JWASM is supposed to be better MASM compatible; at least Japteth changed some 
things as he had 
problems with "WASM not compatible enough".


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