Good "netiquette" is to only discuss one topic per email thread, so I
started a new thread for Runtime:

On Thu, May 2, 2024 at 4:12 PM Eric Auer via Freedos-devel
<> wrote:
> *Runtime*
> Jim's version is a small C program, 120 lines, using catgets
> for messages which can be translated in different languages.
> The binary is a 22kB EXE (31kB without UPX). There were text
> files with EN, RU, DE, HU and LV translations, I believe?
> My version is a small ASM program, made with NASM. It has
> a main file, circa 450 lines, and a language include file,
> circa 150 lines, which at the moment contains EN, DE, NL,
> PT, ES, FR, TR, IT, PL and RU messages :-) To add languages,
> you have to build a new binary. Not very hard, but harder
> than just editing a text file which can be used by CATGETS.
> The binary is a 2kB COM (3kB without UPX).
> Note that texts in all 10 language are INCLUDED in the 2kB
> COM file of my tiny version. No separate NLS files there.
> As a task left as an exercise for the user, one could port
> the C version to Tom's small KITTEN alternative to CATGETS.
> My preferred option would be to add HU and LV translations
> to my small RUNTIME and use that instead of the big one ;-)

I wrote the Runtime program, so I guess I'll speak to that.

This is a very old program. I don't remember why I wrote it, but I'm
sure I was doing some debugging on a program and was trying to
fine-tune the performance, and needed a way to test how long it took
to run after making improvements. There are lots of programs out there
to track the run-time of a program on DOS, and I probably gave a quick
look around - but decided it would be just as easy to write my own for
what I needed to do. It was just a quick program that I probably wrote
in ten minutes.

And I probably released it in case it was useful to someone else. I
don't think I intended it to become part of the distribution, but it

I just looked at the zip file for Runtime 1.0. It's a very simple
program, just sets a timer, runs a program, then reports how long the
program ran.

That's the long version to say: I don't have a particularly strong
opinion to keep the old Runtime in the distribution. We can swap it

I looked at your Runtime, and the messages are very simple:

1. seconds [as in, 'this ran in 4 seconds]

2. passed [as in, '4 seconds have passed']

3. a 1-line "about" message

4. a 1-line "usage" message

5. a 1-line "information" message

6. a "COMSPEC not found" error message

So it's just 6 messages, which seems right. It's not a very complicated program.

I'm in favor to swap out the old Runtime with this Runtime. No issues
here. I think it would be great to have those 6 messages translated
into the missing HU and LV translations, but I don't think we need to
"wait" for those messages to get translated.

What do others think? You can "+1" if you just want to agree to swap
out my old Runtime with Eric's newer Runtime.

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