> Hi, please do turn off HTML in your mail program - use only plain text:

Sorry, I just reinstalled Windows and forgot to set OE back to Plain Text,
it's on Plain Text now.

> Why did you use STACKS=9,256 - how about STACKS=0,0 ???

Because STACKS=9,256 is a very common setting; I thought it was the best
one. Anyway I should try that (STACKS=0,0)

> In what way did you copy the same file 10 times?

>From one directory to another on the same drive/partition

> I think for test b) you need a bigger
> LBAcache for that, something like THREE megabytes. Please try that (both
> LBAcache and the writeback feature of SMARTDRV store WRITTEN data in the
> cache. Therefore if you copy 1.2 MB disk -> disk, BOTH the source file and
> the target file will be stored in the cache!).

Good idea.

> Thanks for re-testing already ;-).

You're welcome. I like to help DOS related projects whenever the opportunity
is right.

> PS: If INTERLNK crashes FreeDOS, how about INTERSVR? And did it help to
> - load no HIMEM / EMM386
> - use no XMS swapping FreeCOM
> - use no UMBs / do not load DOS to HMA
> - ...?

I didn't bother with InterServer since it is useless without Interlink. I
should test InterServer anyway, thanks for reminding me. I also tried
diverse configs with same results. Anyway I should try more configs to see
if IL is willing to work.

> You just wrote "various contents" for config sys - but to get started,
> an as fail-safe as possible config would be better.

Sorry about that, I tried DEVICE=INTERLNK.EXE as the only line in
CONFIG.SYS, then I added XMS drivers in subsequent tests. Still got Invalid
Opcode (followed by a bunch of hexadecimal gibberish). In my PC 340, when I
used FDXMS.SYS, the computer rebooted after loading InterLink. When I used
Microsoft/IBM HIMEM.SYS, I got the Invalid Opcode, when I used no XMS driver
on the PC 340, I got Invalid Opcode.

IIRC, on my 386 both XMS drivers yielded Invalid Opcode.

Anyway, I got a decent start on it, thanks for the tips, now we can go
further with this on my Pentium Class PC 340 and my 386 SX.

Heck, maybe we should later try File Maven, a freeware alternative to
InterLink/InterServer, if IL/IS has no hope for FreeDOS.


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