Hi Norm,

> 1. Is it possible to port FreeDOS to work on a journaling file system 
> like Reiser, Ext2/3, JFS, etc; ?

Not useful, sorry. Those high end file systems are not good for a 16 bit
kernel. You can use the DOS "LTOOLS" to copy data to and from ext2fs under
DOS, exactly as using MTOOLS allows Linux users to manipulate FAT drives without having
to mount them. Actually mounting Linux filesystems from DOS would
take far too much effort and RAM. You can run FreeDOS in a DOSEmu
box to let it access every filesystem which is supported by Linux ;-).

> 2. Does anyone know of a project/group that is attempting to build 
> TCP/IP into the FreeDOS Kernel?

Check www.freedos.org -> software -> networking. Free tools like
SSHDOS / SSH2DOS / Arachne usually have WatTCP TCP/IP stack linked
to the binary, so the only thing which you have to do to get online
with DOS is install a packet driver (usually included with your
network hardware, or check the freedos.org link page for some free
generic driver downloads) and adjust wattcp.cfg (and the environment
variable which points to it) to your needs. Static IP and DHCP possible.
Having a free open source NE2000 card driver might be a nice project,
but for the rest, FreeDOS networking is already good enough for me.

We are still looking for a network (SLIP/PLIP or real LAN/PPP) "remote
drive letter" feature, but FTP and SCP / SFTP is definitely okay, too.
By the way, for dialup networking, you can use the free LSPPP tool.

> I had reviewed several post in the archives (or maybe it was a BBS) 
> about the debate over building CDROM driver into the Kernel, I believe 
> the consensus from the developers was not to build them into it.

For now, our lowlevel generic ATAPI (ElTorito / ASPI planned, too) driver
really needs to be improved. Our "network redirector" type drive letter
driver (i.e. ISO9660 filesystem engine for CD and DVD, although most DVD
do NOT use ISO9660 anyway) SHSUCDX is pretty nice already, and we have a
CD-ROM cache. Read-ahead might be an idea, too.

Putting too many drivers into the kernel is bad if you only have "640k"
(actually 1.1 MB - something) of easy-to-use RAM around. So we use SYS
drivers and resident programs (TSRs). Pretend they would be loadable kernel
modules for DOS :-).


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