Hi Arkady and others,

I'm still not sure if and when I really return, the archives aren't really 
encouraging... In any case, I appreciate that a bug was found in 
ludivmul.inc; the same bug was in fact present in the 64 bit version I 
adapted it from! Well I notified the original author.

What I don't like is that the fix from Arkady (for the 1000th time...) 
does 3 things at the same time -- formatting, fixing, and optimizing.

This makes it impossible to see where things are really fixed. See the 
following is enough:

--- ludivmul.inc.~1.2.~ Sun Jan 27 14:13:07 2002
+++ ludivmul.inc        Tue Jul 20 00:35:31 2004
@@ -88,10 +88,12 @@
        pop     bx                 ; get dividend lo-word
        mov     cx, ax             ; save quotient
         mul     di                 ; quotient * divisor hi-word (low only)
+       push    di                 ; save divisor hi-word
         xchg    ax, di             ; save in di
         mov     ax, cx             ; ax=quotient
        mul     si                 ; quotient * divisor lo-word
        add     dx, di             ; dx:ax = quotient * divisor
+       pop     di                 ; restore divisor hi-word
        sub     bx, ax             ; dividend-lo - (quot.*divisor)-lo
        mov     ax, cx             ; get quotient
        pop     cx                 ; restore dividend hi-word

I'm sorry but I simply don't have the time to go through all the other 
patches. If they were reduced to just bug fixes I'll promise that I'll 
have another look though -- I still monitor the mailing list every now and 
then. Guys *any* project that wants to be close to a 1.0 release must be 
in deep freeze, a stabilation, that means that we should really freeze the 
mainline kernel for anything but bug fixes. No optimizations, no 
reformatting, no new fancy macros, no nothing but bug fixes with the 
minimal amount of lines changed. Of course feel free to have your own 
branch, but I don't think it's in the interest of the project to 
use that for a 1.0.

So I can make a deal, you isolate your bug fixes and I'll return and be 
friendly, or you don't and I'll simply disappear. It's that easy.

It looks from Eric's post that there's a bit of confusion about the U4D 
routines and so on, why are they here etc?

Essentially for Turbo C the compiler helpers are extracted from the c
compiler RTL to be absolutely sure we only link those and nothing else from 
that library. These are automatically linked and called "far", which is 
correct because init_text and _text are in different segments. This is why 
those routines have to have a fixed segment and that's only easily 
accomplished in low RAM.

When Tom and I ported the kernel to Watcom we stumbled upon the problem 
that U4D was called "near", where it had to be called "far".
Tom even filed an Open Watcom bug for that one, see

One way to workaround that was to compile using the medium memory model 
and annotate all functions as "near". But that was ugly as hell.
So I decided to implement our own routines, which were easily duplicated 
to be both in HMA_TEXT and INIT_TEXT, do a bit of patchobj and as an added 
bonus be completely independent of the Watcom RTL.

Now for Watcom HMA_TEXT and INIT_TEXT are in the same segment (group 
really) so only one U4D is needed. But that change was *much* later, only 
a couple of months ago.


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