
here is the point by point reply to Eric's list...
CN means: a new change in CVS independent of Tom (not present in the
2035-Tom diff)
TA means: Tom's change, applied
TNA means: Tom's change, not applied
TO means: Tom's change, other, see explanation.

On 12/31/06, Eric Auer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> - Tom has a build2 bat file, which does a SYS CONFIG
>    on the kernel, copies the kernel to A:, and sorts the
>    map file. We could add that to the cvs.

He's had that for a long time, I always saw that as something Tom specific.
You certainly don't want to put it as is... as strange things will
happen, I'd get

Error reading from drive A: DOS area: sector not found
(A)bort, (I)gnore, (R)etry, (F)ail?

without a floppy drive...

> - buildall, build, default: more comments in cvs,
>    plus cvs has set dos4g=quiet

> - bugs / build / lfnapi / mkboot / nls / sys / readme.txt:
>    at most differs in linebreak style? WHAT is "2." in mkboot??

There hasn't been a 2. in mkboot since at least May 2000.

>    Is the zip naming scheme still up to date in readme?
>    Does sys.txt describe all current stable SYS options?
CN (I don't know)

> - config.txt: cvs has a newer extended version
>    NOTE: I think there should be a FCBS note telling that
>    FreeDOS can provide FCBS without FCBS=... line?
>    The IF %config%==... example should use "".
CN (Perhaps)

> - contrib.txt: cvs is newer, updates Bernd / Aitor

> - fdkernel.lsm / version.h / globals.h differ, of course
>    NOTE that we no longer have REVISION_MAJOR nor
>    REVISION_MINOR as those were incompatible to 32RTM!
CN. Well you can still (sort of) derive them from the string via int21/ax=33ff

> - intfns.txt CVS version better describes the current state
>    QUESTION: Which int 2f functions are still missing?
>    Any volunteers for int 21.5d01 ... 21.5d05?
>    Typo in CVS: "drive" instead of "driver" for LFN

> - readme.cvs CVS version is better, more up to date

> - floppy.asm CVS version is slightly better, improved
>    comments. The FL_DISKCHANGED implementation is a bit
>    different but in the end seems to do the same thing.
>    Could anybody CHECK THAT?
Tom and Arkady (in CVS) both fixed the same bug with ret 8 but in
different ways: Arkady jumps backwards to ret_AH whereas Tom jumps

> - filelist, makefile: CVS version provides more FreeDOS
>    style directory / zip file structure and no longer
>    includes autoexec / config / install bat files. IF we
>    had somewhat more useful SAMPLE CONFIG / autoexec, it
>    would make sense to include them, but for now, I prefer
>    the CVS style :-).

> - device.h CVS version provides r_si and r_di but those
>    do not seem to be used yet?
CN should be in ioctl.c (see UNSTABLE branch). I'll do that later.

> - hdr.h CVS version makes intr() void, Tom uses unsigned
>    WHICH is better? CVS probably?
TO... Tom changed intr() in pcb.h (which was unused) to match up with
the one prototyped for init code, when he started using it for NLS and
floppy change notification.
I have instead, removed the intr() prototype. I thought, and still
think, that intr() is a bit too expensive (too many bytes) to use in
the resident code. Tom disagrees, but we've been through that :)

> - portab.h CVS version has some extra Watcom pragmas with
>    the comment "min.unpacked size" (default parm / modify)
>    I assume CVS is better?
>    The CVS version also has MK_SEG_PTR and MK_UWORD and
>    MK_ULONG, probably by Arkady, but I think those are not
>    yet actually used for much?
CN. I don't like those macros much, so I like it that they are hardly
used but we've been through that too :)

> - asmsupt.asm CVS version uses some FSTRCMP / _fstrcmp /
>    pascal_setup in Watcom, while Tom has that commented
>    out as still untested. WHICH IS BETTER?
CN. Now used in fatfs.c to prevent removal of current directory so tested.

> - config.c timeout is "time > timeout" in Tom version and
>    "time >= timeout" in CVS version, the latter is maybe
>    better for 0 timeouts / hanging timers??
TNA as explained by Tom just now.

> - dosfns.c CVS DosGetFree returns UWORD (-1 for false)
>    instead of BOOL, so it no longer has a UWORD * spc
>    argument
>    NOTE: What is the purpose of "spc = rg[0]" in cvs?
   it was just moved up a bit, getting redirector data.
>    IsDevice has different handling of "padding can be
>    with spaces or 00 bytes", probably having the same
>    effect in the end. Could somebody COMPARE both versions?
>    The CVS version also skips something for block devices.
CN. All those changes were on purpose, no changes in Tom's kernel.

> - dsk.c the TOM VERSION provides an call to int 2f.4a00
>    to ask a potential GUI whether it is okay to display
>    the "insert disk a:/b:..." "DJ" message as text. A GUI
>    can trap this and show a dialog box instead. VERY NICE.
TO. I have applied this but using a special purpose asm function to
avoid intr to sav e about 120 bytes.

>    NOTE that both versions have a typo: "... the any key ..."
It's not a typo! Damnit! Still haven't found the any key?

> - fatdir.c WHICH VERSION IS BETTER HERE? Tom uses
>    "if ((attr & D_VOLID|D_DIR)==D_VOLID) i=3" while CVS uses
>    "if ((attr & ~(D_RDONLY|D_ARCHIVE))==D_VOLID) i=3 else
>    attr &= ~D_VOLID" ... (this is in findfirst afair)
(no letter???) This is a very new change, not even in CVS...
Check your local copy, Eric.

> - fatfs.c adds a parameter char * name to init_direntry
>    in the CVS version, which produces more compact code...
>    The CVS version also prevents "removal of the current
>    directory". There are also differences in handling
>    directories with further attributes: Tom commented out
>    all extra checks, and the CVS version does
>    "if (!(attr & D_DIR) || (attr & ~(D_DIR|D_ARCHIVE)))
>    then abort" (so system/hidden/readonly directories
>    cannot be deleted)
>    The CVS version also has more exact tests whether the
>    first two entries are . and .. (and a typo, "secondard")
>    The CVS version also blocks renaming of the current
>    directory and does "init fnode for new file name to
>    match old file name" around line 725.
>    The CVS version allows something to happen if D_DIR is
>    set, but blocks D_VOLID and reserved bits, while Tom
>    also blocks D_DIR. The comment is "JPP: ... causes an
>    issue with deltree which is trying to work around another
>    issue" as reason not to test for D_DIR any more. IDEAS?
>    The CVS version does one merge_file_changes more than Tom.
CN. Tom did not change fatfs.c at all.

> - fattab.c has more verbose messages in CVS and masks values
>    with LONG_LAST_CLUSTER to 28 bits for FAT32, which turned
>    out to be necessary for some Windows drives...

> - fcbfns.c uses UWORD for spc in Toms version and UBYTE for
>    a pspc in the CVS version, which version is better here?
>    The CVS version has a STRANGE aspect, it masks spc &= 0xff
>    while that value is not returned. IDEAS?
BUG... should be corrected (i'll do it).
>    FcbParseFname uses UBYTE in CVS, int in Toms, for wTestMode.
>    It also uses i instead of an extra variable mode for the
>    FcbParseFname call at another place - CVS probably gets
>    better code compiled??
CN (changes by me in July 2004)

> - initdisk.c seems to do better nsize / huge / NumSect handling
>    in the CVS version...?

> - initoem.c either has a duplicate test (peek for RAMSIZE)
>    in the Tom version or an actrually better test. This is
>    in movebda. IDEAS?
TA, see discussion earlier

> - int2f.asm has different comments: CVS "INT2F/11xx" while
>    Tom has "INT2F/12xx and INT2F/4A01,4A02"... which is right?
TA. Second.

>    There is also some part commented out by Tom, with the
>    comment "moved into intr() style by Tom" - IN WHAT WAY?
TNA. Tom fixed a bug not preserving di in call_nls by converting it to
C code that calls intr() in nls.c. I changed the code a bit again, but
not using intr().


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