On Sat, 23 Jul 2005 03:17:48 +0200 (MEST), you wrote:


>XFDISK? I mean, XFDISK is open source. It only does not LOOK like
>the old MS DOS user interface, but hey, that was crap anyway...

The correct procedure should be:

1) Contact Brian and ask him if he still works on Free FDISK or not
2) Vote here, keep Free DISK or switch to XFDISK
3) Someone have to examine XFDISK's source to make sure it didn't
conflict with FreeDOS

>PPS: I know that our FDISK has a big number of command-line driven
>options, so whatever we use as replacement would also have to be
>quite scriptable, for those who really liked those features...!

A similar look-and-feel will help the old DOS user to switch to
FreeDOS, also no need to learn everything from scratch.

But when a better alternative available, I won't refuse for a change,
but my ideal was "selectable UI", traditional or new "turbovision"
like UI, change easily just like WinAMP skin. 

Daniel Nagy also have AEFDISK, but it's not OpenSource, too bad.


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