Hi Eric,

"previous o/s". To fix it requires changing attribs on BOOT.INI, editing it, then re-apply attribs...

You could write a small batch script to automate that...

I explained in an earlier post why that is not practical nor desirable.

FreeDOS Beta9sr1:
4. <reboot>

Did you verify that the reboot is needed? I know we recommend it, but
you never know... Well probably do DO need it. Just wondering ;-).

Yes! The reason is not really related to FreeDOS though. The reason is that when I first boot my hardware with FreeDOS CD, the hard drive either has no partitions at all, or only has NTFS partitions. This means that my RAMDISK ends up as C.

If I create a partition on the first physical drive and then type FORMAT C:, it will try to format the RAMDRIVE! Rebooting fixes this, suddenly you get a FAT16/32 C: drive and your RAMDRIVE is on D:

Default boot sector of FreeDOS FORMAT probably. Windows decides that
this is not the default Windows or MS DOS boot sector, so it takes the
safe route and assumes that anything other than Windows is another OS.

Yes, why does Windows have to be so helpful!

I would recommend two things: Use FAT32/LBA partition type, and format
with FORMAT C: /A for easier conversion to NTFS.

I'm already doing that, but note that the CONVERT.EXE program supplied with Windows 2000 cannot convert to NTFS on 4K boundaries, it FORCES 512b as I stated in my earlier post.

This will also be a
good test whether our FAT32 format is Windows compatible even for convert.

It is, but you lose the 4K cluster size unless you use the updated CONVERT.EXE supplied with XP's deployment tools and I don't know if it can be hacked to work with Windows 2000.

You could zap it, but you could try if running MS DOS SYS C: to put a
MS DOS boot sector on the drive makes Windows behave more as intended

Yes, but if I have to use MS-DOS it defeats the whole purpose of having a build environment that's both open-source and free from Microsoft. I do need to try FreeDOS SYS to see if it fixes the problem. It's a bit strange having to force an o/s onto a C: drive in order to get Windows to see it as NOT having an o/s:)

(assuming that it will not suggest Windows users to boot MS DOS ;-)).

Well, I guess our users could be given the option to boot into FreeDOS, but they'd start whining about not being able to run Outlook and Word:)

the MS DOS boot sector. As MS DOS does not support FAT32, you can use
Win98 DOS SYS instead.

Yikes! The dreaded Win98!

Gerry Hickman (London UK)

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