Hi, how can use my abnt2 on xdosemu?

Here is my autoexec.bat:
@echo off
path c:\bin;c:\gnu;c:\dosemu
set HELPPATH=c:\help
set TEMP=c:\tmp
set BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 H5 T6
prompt $P$G
unix -s DOSDRIVE_D
if "%DOSDRIVE_D%" == "" goto nodrived
lredir d: linux\fs%DOSDRIVE_D%
rem uncomment to load another bitmap font
loadhi display con=(vga,860,2)
mode con codepage prepare=((860) c:\cpi\ega.cpx)
mode con codepage select 860
chcp 860
rem uncomment the following to load cdrom support
shsucdx /d:mscd0001
echo "Welcome to dosemu %DOSEMU_VERSION%!"
unix -e

I'm using FreeDOS (that is what it see in my prompt)

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