Johnson Lam wrote:
On Sat, 11 Mar 2006 08:20:30 -0500, you wrote:
Hi Jeremy,
There was a recent fix to the unstable kernel to better support
floppyless systems. If possible please try a current 2035w from and let me know if that makes a difference.
Note: -W is the development [UNSTABLE] kernel branch (more features but
less tested). There are also builds of updated stable (release branch
in cvs but not versioned releases) kernels here as well you may wish to try.
I got the latest kernel (386), and surprise that the date is MARCH.
Are you using CVS auto build or manually compile?
cvs auto build, or more specifically I have a computer set up that once
a day (usually around 3pm my time assuming I'm not using the computer
for some other purpose that prevents this from running) does a cvs
update and compiles the kernel and freecom and uploads these builds
along with source archive. This is automatic [batch file based via an
NT scheduled task], it cycles through using various compilers and a few
different options (8086, 186, 386, Turbo C, OpenWatcom, ...). I do this
so anyone can test the latest development kernel and obtain the most
bugfixed stable kernel between releases (which are far between and few
I haven't figured out (nor looked very hard) an easy way to determine if
cvs update changes any files and thus a new build is actually required
or not, so the date will reflect when built not most recent changes
(currently mid Feb for cvs kernel).
Within the test directory are the kernels from one of my various local
trees that I manually compile. My various local trees contain my in
progress or stalled work including the int13 work, ms/pc dos config
syntax compatibility, isolinux/memdisk option retrieval, no fnodes,
increased windows compatibility, fd specific ifs stuff, fat+, or
generally stuff I'm working on that is not ready for general usage.
Also is there any change log?
there is the history file in the docs subdirectory, but I'm bad about
maintaining it, before [version not year] 2036 I will try to ensure its
updated. The best way to view changes is to watch the [archived]
freedos-cvs mailing list which shows all commits (or via cvs log).
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