I'm on the edge of buying hardware for my embedded project. I've been
holding back because I'm nervous about actually assembling the software.
Writing the software is no problem - I have my C++ & inline assembler
coded and pretty much ready to go. What I'm uncomfortable with is the
actual process of getting it compiled for DOS, linked with WATT-32, moved
to the PC-104 board, and started.

What I think I need is someone to show me a trivial C++ program that uses
WATT-32, AND the compiler setup, compiler settings, build scripts, and all
the other associated toolchain *junk* needed to get it ready to go.

In part I'm just spoiled - I've gotten used to just typing code into
Microsoft VC++, clicking build and having my executable pop out, finished
and ready. The idea of spending days stumbling though compiler settings,
memory models, config.sys and everything else is just plain daunting.

Does anyone have a build environment they'd be interested in sharing, that
I can unpack onto a WIn XP system and get running in a few hours? A
compiler installation .zip, and a .bat file that assembles and links
sample C++ code and the WATT-32 library should be all I need...

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