I would recommend trying to contact the WATT-32 library for such
examples... and there is example code on the website, although I'm not
sure it's c++.

On 6/8/06, Scott Mayo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm on the edge of buying hardware for my embedded project. I've been
> holding back because I'm nervous about actually assembling the software.
> Writing the software is no problem - I have my C++ & inline assembler
> coded and pretty much ready to go. What I'm uncomfortable with is the
> actual process of getting it compiled for DOS, linked with WATT-32, moved
> to the PC-104 board, and started.
> What I think I need is someone to show me a trivial C++ program that uses
> WATT-32, AND the compiler setup, compiler settings, build scripts, and all
> the other associated toolchain *junk* needed to get it ready to go.
> In part I'm just spoiled - I've gotten used to just typing code into
> Microsoft VC++, clicking build and having my executable pop out, finished
> and ready. The idea of spending days stumbling though compiler settings,
> memory models, config.sys and everything else is just plain daunting.
> Does anyone have a build environment they'd be interested in sharing, that
> I can unpack onto a WIn XP system and get running in a few hours? A
> compiler installation .zip, and a .bat file that assembles and links
> sample C++ code and the WATT-32 library should be all I need...
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color and fall from the trees.
   David Letterman (1947 - )

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