Eric Auer wrote:
> Hi again :-)


>> An USB flash drive was made bootable for FreeDOS with the tool 'HP Drive
>> Key'. Booting from that device works well if the BIOS supports USB booting.
>> After loading the USB driver under FreeDOS device C:\ could be no longer
>> read. FreeDOS asked for a location.
> So you should not load the driver

Indeed. Doing so causes problems. If you want use other USB devices you 
have a problem. (1)

> - C: was accessible thanks
> to the BIOS driver anyway :-p.


> Or was C: something else than
> the USB drive?


> If so, why did it become inaccessible when
> you loaded the DOS USB driver??

I don`t think it would happen with a normal harddisk.

> Did you try without EMM386?


> If your C: was something USB, SCSI, SATA or UDMA-IDE, then
> it is quite possible that some UMB conflicts spoil your C:.

Yep. And this was my experience what I just described here.

>> I don`t think FreeDOS provides a feature to change the drive letter?
> Why would you want to do that?

In case of (1).

1. booted from an USB drive (without drivers, BIOS int)
2. load USB driver
3. C:\ will become D:\ (or w/e)
4. loosing connection to C:\
5. removing letter C:\ (because no longer accessible)
6. moving D:\ to C:\

> You can try SUBST JOIN and ASSIGN but
> those are not always very intuitive to use...

I see.

Michael Reichenabch

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