Hi Michael,

> > - C: was accessible thanks
> > to the BIOS driver anyway :-p.

> Yes.

> > If so, why did it become inaccessible when
> > you loaded the DOS USB driver??

> I don`t think it would happen with a normal harddisk.

Well you loaded a driver which created a new int13 gateway
to the SAME drive, which is a very bad idea in the first
place... You should probably be glad you lost access to
"USB BIOS disk is C:" at the moment when you loaded the
driver which says "DOS USB disk is D:" because otherwise
C: and D: would share the same physical drive and partition.

> > Did you try without EMM386?

> No.

Would be a good idea :-)

> 4. loosing connection to C:\
> 5. removing letter C:\ (because no longer accessible)
> 6. moving D:\ to C:\

You can do something like ASSIGN C=D which makes all
files on D: visible as C: and all things on your
original C: invisible... Using ASSIGN does not have
the bad side effects I mentioned above: Only if you
have 2 *lowlevel* ways to access the same physical
partition you get troubles ;-).

After using ASSIGN, your inaccessible C: is no longer
visible and your new way to access the drive as D: is
also visible as C:, so you now have two drive letters
for the same drive... Still you can have a problem:

If you have written to C: before you loaded the DOS
driver, then the writes may be aborted early at the
moment when BIOS access is lost.


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