Hi guys;


I've formatted my hard disk, installed the boot manager using the option in
xfdisk and installed freedos. Yet, LILO continues to remain the boot manager
on my hard disk and only shows LINUX as an available kernel. 


I just received a 8-bit PIC microcontroller with a low pin development
board. It has a USB interface. Is it possible to program the PIC using a
language such as FreeBASIC? 


I found a lot of 5 3com Ethernet cards which are supported by DOS. They came
in the mail not too long ago and I now want to install them. So, would
someone kindly point me to some TCP/IP resources? I would like to start
messing around with TCP/IP and am only about 1/5 of the way through Charles
Petzold's Programming Windows. So far, I've learned to draw to the screen.
But, I'm super eager to really explore the internet. Plus, I need some
character mode programming experience using C\C++. Any resources and
suggestions are greatly appreciated. 


Eric: I'm still willing to test LBACache. How would you like to transfer the
files between us? I do believe you have some web space.?


BTW: I picked up an old AMD 1702A. A mentor at a local Junior College wrote
up some plans for a writer. If anyone is interested in seeing those plans,
let me know and I'll try and get them on the net for everyone to see. They
include plans for the writer and a pulse generator.



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