There has been quite a bit of talk about AST hardware needing special
drivers even under DOS.  Well, if the company won't put the drivers in
the public domain and there aren't very many AST computers in the world,
the logical thing to do is recycle the ones that are left and replace
them.  Am I missing something?  Are AST computers superior to normal PC

In general, can free dos drivers be developed for hardware that is
otherwise unusable?  For example, the sound blaster 16 pci card doesn't
work apparently without expanded memory in dos and the driver has
to be in a Windows 98 tree.  Rather weird if you ask me.  More to the
point, you can't play Ultima 7 even under MS-DOS 6.20 because the game
is not compatible with protected mode environments.  Oops!  There is
Exult, but I find that it is somewhat unstable on top of 98SE.  I
haven't used it in a current Fedora system.  

Free operating systems whether we are discussing Freedos, Minix, or
Linux have problems with certain hardware.  In the Linux world
unfortunately, drivers for modern graphics cards that work are hard to
come by.  In a Freedos environment, modern graphics card came after DOS
lost most of it's popularity.  On modern systems, one can use an
emulated dos environment to create the appearance of a legacy PC, but
what if you don't want to emulate?  What if you are after real time
computing and need to use the full capability of a modern graphics card?
I can't think of a good example, but I'm sure one exists.

Maybe Freedos isn't the best get the maximum out of a modern computer in
real time OS.  Dos was originally developed before the modern computers
of today existed.  Minix may be a better choice.  I'm sure there are
other real time OS'es available beyond Minix and Freedos.

A few questions and points to take away:

1) Why should the open source community support rare hardware?

2) Can the open source community support rare or even cutting edge 

3) What is it about DOS environments that draws people to them 
   instead of Linux, Minix, etcetera environments?

There is talk of not letting copyrighted software that the producers
don't care about get lost.  I think supporting software that is
unpopular or not well documented inside and out in the public domain is
a mistake.  Freedos exists because DOS is well defined in the public
domain and there are talented people who took that information
implementing what we have today.  Think about where the open 
source community focuses resources and why.

One of the weaknesses of a real time OS is that it probably won't
protect against bad programming in the interest of speed.  Another
issue, spaghetti code is more likely which is harder to maintain than
object oriented code.  Whether a true real time environment is necessary
for a particular task has to be weighed against the disadvantages.
Computers are so fast now that an OS which allows one to write
maintainable code at the expense of some speed loss probably makes more
sense than an OS which will run a program as fast as possible at the
expense of the code being harder to maintain.  Harder to maintain code
is more likely to have serious bugs which is counterproductive when time
performance is critical.  There is probably a sweet spot between real
time and general purpose that is appropriate for most applications.

As a thought experiment, how do you design a real time kernel so that
you can say this operation has to complete in x time and it will?

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