On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 4:02 PM, Marco Achury <marcoach...@gmail.com> wrote:

> At this point the options are to use emulators or to port DOS to new
> processors (new x86 based or totally different processor family as ARM)
> For example www.raspberrypi.org is working on a very interesting low priced
> ARM computer.
> As our FreeDOS kernel is based mainly on C code, at least in the theory, is
> possible adapt it to compile it on a diferent very processor-architechture.

C *can* be portable.  The language was designed in part to be easy to
move to new architectures, and properly written C code can be ported
without overwhelming difficulty.

The keywords are "properly written".  Doing so is *hard*.  the
programmer must be aware of what is and is not portable and avoid the
latter, or keep it confined as much as much as possible to specific
places that are hardware dependent, to ease the scope of the rewrites
needed to move it.

It is *not* just a matter of changing a few #DEFINES and re-compiling.

If portability to new architectures is desired, you are *far* better
off to start with Linux.

> Marco A. Achury

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