>>> thanks for the hint! I have commented out the line in autoexec.bat which
>>> loads the UIDE.SYS cdrom driver. Now there is no problem accessing the
>>> floppy images.
>> So maybe there is a problem with floppy change signalling
>> versus caches - would be interesting to know whether it is
>> sufficient to keep UIDE but run UIDE in no-cache mode, and
>> if "lbacache flop" (lbacache with floppy caching enabled)
>> would work correctly with floppy changes in virtualbox.
> UIDE does not include logic to "ignore" a diskette drive.   If one or
> two are present, UIDE will always cache them.   I never expected any-
> one would need (or want!) to run diskettes without caching.   One can
> use UIDEJR instead, but UIDEJR is only a "driver" with no caching and
> thus would not perform as well.
> Folks really should INSIST that the writers of VirtualBox "Follow the
> RULES!" for PC hardware, instead of leaving you and I (perhaps others
> as well) to make changes in long-established programs just for them!!
> Jack R. Ellis

Hi Jack, 

I think the /B switch works for me.

/B   For UIDE only, requests a basic "stand alone" UltraDMA driver
       for disks or CD/DVD drives (no cache or diskettes). This
       may help in tests or diagnostics. The basic UIDE can use
       128K of XMS memory and can now load in HMA space. UIDEJR
       will ignore /B.

If I now change the floppy in the VirtualBox devices menu, this is recognized 
immediately in FreeDOS. So everything seems to be correct with this setting.

The downside is that booting takes much longer, as the VirtualBox default 
chipset PIIX3 still conflicts with UIDE.SYS.The alternate chipset ICH9 works 
fine with UIDE.SYS but unfortunately conflicts with the ethernet controller. (1)



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