
A favorite tactic of "propagandists", be they Fascist/Nazi/Communist
or others, is that they flatly IGNORE any information from opponents
and simply go on "spouting" their own ideas.

In responding to the above thread, you have totally IGNORED all info
I offered to begin with, and you cite, as your reference, a 1991 IBM
Technical Reference for the PS/2.

That "reference" is now 21 years old, and was written for a computer
that AFAIK has NOT been sold by IBM for YEARS!   I can also note how
IBM in fact LOST control of their own PC market beginning about 1985
to vendors in Japan and Asia, due largely to the same class of FIXED
thinking that you now exhibit!   IBM thought they were Gods and Asia
did not matter, and Asia just MASSACRED IBM in their own marketplace
same as Crazy Horse did to Custer in 1876!   I have NEVER given much
"trust" to IBM, surely not after 1985, and I never will!

So I will say it all again, "for the cheap seats" --

(A) The 1991 IBM Technical Reference for a PS/2 is 21 years old, was
     written for a system that is now obsolete, and MAY NOT have been
     kept "current".

(B) Using byte 0:048Fh is not undocumented.   BIOS Central has noted
     this from at-least 2006, when I first read their BIOS data list.

(C) As of 11-Jan-2007, 16 years PAST your IBM reference, Phoenix and
     maybe other BIOS vendors do in fact support byte 0:048Fh exactly
     as BIOS Central describes that byte.   I have such a BIOS, and I
     expect others using a "hardware" PC can verify that 0:048Fh DOES
     work exactly as BIOS Central indicates, DESPITE some 21-year-old
     IBM reference calling that byte "reserved".

(D) UIDE/UIDE2 have NEVER failed, to my knowledge, to cache diskette
     data and deal with diskette media-changes, if used on any actual
     "hardware" PC system.   If so, I want to KNOW about it and shall
     FIX any such problems, REAL QUICK!!

(E) VirtualBox handling of diskette change-lines IS IN DOUBT!   Eric
     did find (yesterday) a source file in which THEY DO set the byte
     at 0:048Fh, despite other parts of their emulator saying they do
     NOT support diskette change-lines.   Since "Their RIGHT hand may
     not know what their LEFT is doing!" (a usual result re: too many
     programmers on one task!), I believe it is WRONG to say they are
     "following the rules".   WHOSE rules??   Even THEY seem not able
     to agree among THEMSELVES what those rules ARE!!

And now, Bret, DO NOT merely "spout your own propaganda" again!   If
you have more to say, speak to the points -- SPEAK TO THE POINTS! --
that I have listed above!!

And do so in private, as after this E-Mail, I will again unsubscribe
 from FD-User.    "Jack is right and everyone else is an idiot", "Are
you trying to prove yourself smarter than everyone else", plus other
such INSULTS will be ENOUGH for me!

Use UIDE/UIDE2 if you think they work.   Otherwise, do not use them.
Your choice.   I think they work, I have evidence to say they should
and NO actual PROOF to the contrary.   So I will leave them "as is".

Jack R. Ellis

Live Security Virtual Conference
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