Jack, Bret, VirtualBox users,

> A favorite tactic of "propagandists", be they Fascist/Nazi/Communist
> or others, is that they flatly IGNORE any information from opponents

At this point, you lost the discussion and many readers will
simply have skipped the rest of your mail, as explained here:


> In responding to the above thread, you have totally IGNORED all info
> I offered to begin with, and you cite, as your reference, a 1991 IBM
> Technical Reference for the PS/2.

No. The point was that BIOS Central, RBIL, Tischer and other
reputable sources disagree* about 40:8f and therefore, even
though each individual source is reputable, 40:8f is not a
safe way to decide about floppy change lines. On the other
hand, all sources do agree about int 13 for that purpose.

* can mean ONE thing, ANOTHER thing, or be a RESERVED byte.

> (C) As of 11-Jan-2007, 16 years PAST your IBM reference, Phoenix and
>      maybe other BIOS vendors do in fact support byte 0:048Fh exactly

The weak point is in "maybe other" here.

> (D) UIDE/UIDE2 have NEVER failed, to my knowledge... on any actual
>      "hardware" PC system.   If so, I want to KNOW about it...

Virtual machines are widespread now, their users deserve support.

> (E) VirtualBox handling of diskette change-lines IS IN DOUBT!

The comment in orgs.asm indeed supports your claim that VirtualBox
is in conflict with itself IF 40:8f really means what UIDE thinks.
However, documentation about that very byte is contradictionary...

Also, DOSEMU treats the same byte as reserved (0) and is backed by
literature for this. As long as you can find support in literature
for multiple interpretations of the same byte, it is not safe to
"demand" from all BIOSes to interpret the byte in one specific way.

Note that I was not able to download rombios.c from "BIOS" so all
statements about me reading VirtualBox sources are limited to the
"BIOS-new" directory and I do not know which version is used when.

> Use UIDE/UIDE2 if you think they work. Otherwise, do not use them.

The third choice is giving my "prosthetic" helper a try ;-) Users
of VirtualBox and UIDE, but also of other systems including real
hardware, are invited to write me off-list, so I can send a copy
and receive feedback :-) My tool does the following: It installs
a PCI BIOS handler where scans are limited to existing bus numbers
(VirtualBox has 1 bus but VirtualBox BIOS scans 256) which should
speed up UIDE init a lot. This function is an experimental TSR and
takes circa 400 bytes of DOS RAM. Loading into UMB with LH should
be possible without problems. The other function does not take any
DOS RAM: It simply enforces the expected-by-UIDE semantics for the
BIOS Data Area byte 40:8f - This should protect you from data loss
in VirtualBox and should enable UIDE caching of floppies in DOSEMU.

Regards, Eric :-)

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