Hi Marcos :-)

>     - "General failure reading drive C"
>     - LBACache error
>     - "Disk is write protected"
>     - "Not ready reading drive G"
> the internet they never had any issues with networking, except
> when the client was trying to cache writes -- which is not my
> case, as I only use UIDE or LBACache.

Did you try using only UIDE or only LBACache for
caching? If you use UIDE, did you try "BIOS mode"
so it only caches but does not provide UDMA I/O?

And have you tried using higher STACKS settings?

As far as I remember, LBACache also had an option
to provide more stack - but I probably made that
the default and removed the option? Read docs ;-)

> The only difference I can think of between the previous networks
> that worked well for years and today's is that the former were
> used basically by a doctor at the office and his/her assistant
> at the reception desk -- a light load on the system -- whereas
> this week we tried to use both machines very intensively.

Maybe it just never really worked with concurrent
access to the database, but doctor and assistant
did not happen to trigger problems...

> As a temporary workaround I wrote "MODE con rate=1 delay=4"

Interesting trick ;-)

> I did countless changes of parameters, including the more
> obvious such as the "FILES" line, and many others in a
> trial-and-error basis, in fdconfig.sys. fdauto.bat,
> protocol.ini, and system.ini. The latter two belong to
> MS-Client. I tried running with Himemx only (without
> jemm386/jemmex) and loading everything low.

You could also try XMGR instead of HIMEMX, just in case.

I think RealTek RTL8139 is nicely PCI Plug n Play, but
not using UMB is always worth trying, I agree on that.

Note that loading stuff low is not the same as having
no UMB at all, e.g. by excluding all / loading no EMM.
Otherwise your apps might still use UMB for "things".

> My "SHARE" line in fdauto.bat is:
>     loadhigh C:\FDOS\BIN\SHARE.COM /L:40 /F:4096

Note that there are multiple free versions of SHARE,
possibly involving Tom and/or Japheth. I think there
is a version with improved compatibility with s.th.
on Japheth's homepage, for example? But it probably
is a good idea to use SHARE in general, if it works?


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