I had "Warcraft II Tides of Darkness", is a DOS program, I used to run
this program on a Win95 machine with 16 MB of RAM.   Windows is required
in order to run scenary editor, but the game itself is a DOS program.

As long as I know "Warcraft II battle net edition" is a newer version,
but I have not experience with that.

There is a free alternative to warcraft II, "Freecraft" running on
linux, is not more under active development, with this program you can
to open .mud scenary files from Warcraft.

I have used freecraft, runs great  on a 160 Mb machine, using Damn Small
Linux, freecraft is available as package from DSL web.

El 26/12/2012 07:01 p.m., Rugxulo escribió:
> Hi again,
> On Wed, Dec 26, 2012 at 4:58 AM, Michael Robinson
> <plu...@robinson-west.com> wrote:
>> I got my K6-2 500 with 504 megs of ram running XP SP3 well enough by
>> turning off the swap file.  Don't let XP swap, Warcraft II works fine.
> 500 MB should be plenty for XP. Seriously, I know software is always
> increasing requirements, but it's not reasonable (IMO) to need more
> than that. While I can't say I've ever played Warcraft 2, I don't
> think it would need much RAM, relatively, compared to newer stuff.
> http://www.mobygames.com/game/warcraft-ii-tides-of-darkness
> That says it is indeed a DOS (or Macintosh) game, surprisingly. So you
> only need Win32 for networking?? I think Mike Brutman said there was
> an experimental third-party build of DOSBox with NE2000 support.
> (Doesn't DOSBox support IPX??) Though if the game uses / needs
> Win32-specific stuff, you're probably out of luck.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warcraft_2
> This says it works on other OSes too. (Battle.net is a separate
> version? Which one do you have and use?) Linux, Amiga4, etc. Even
> Saturn and Playstation consoles supposedly run it. So, worst case
> scenario, you can use or grab one of those if your PC isn't good
> enough.
>> The scsi hard drive, despite being a Seagate Cheetah, really slows the
>> system down.  I don't let my Linux firewall allow this old machine to
>> access the Net, so there are a LOT of protection programs I don't need
>> to run.  I don't need spywareblaster, clamwin, spybot search and
>> destroy, crap cleaner, or Windows defender for starters.
> In fairness, it's not MS' fault that so many viruses etc. target
> Windows. And yes, antiviruses make things worse a lot of times. It's
> more painful on older machines.
>> I'm not 100% confident in the method I used to bypass activation.  Would
>> Microsoft please distribute an activation crack and let people freely
>> use 32 bit Windows XP at will?
> IIRC, Win2k didn't need activation and had smaller footprint, hence
> why many prefer it. But it wasn't ever targeted for home users, only
> pros. Still, you could probably find a copy on eBay.
>> I've been studying Windows 7 verses Windows XP and honestly, it's a toss
>> up.  Both systems are bloated and complex.
> When XP came out, it had much higher requirements than Win9x. But it
> offered a lot more, including better stability. But of course the DOS
> compatibility is much lower.  :-(
> Though XP is light years slimmer and more functional (for DOS) than
> later versions, even with the bloated SP3. So I would definitely not
> use Win7 in any capacity for DOS stuff unless you were willing to live
> exclusively inside emulators (DOSBox) or hypervisors (VirtualBox), aka
> slow and buggy.
>> A ROM based dos system is
>> more secure than even the typical Linux system and it's going to be
>> light weight.  That's not saying much though, I can't compare Apples to
>> Oranges and be fair about it.
> Dunno. Again, you could probably try something else like FreeBSD with
> emulator, esp. without X11. That should be fairly slim on RAM usage.
> http://wiki.minix3.org/en/UsersGuide/RunningOnBochs?action=show&redirect=UsersGuide/RunningMinixOnBochs
>> The ipxwrapper hack seems to force one to use Windows NT 4.0 or newer.
>> If only someone would port ipxwrapper to freedos and write a program to
>> create a DOS executable out of a Win32 app like Warcraft II BNE.  Add
>> network card support for many of the current network cards and on mobo
>> nics to that, there is suddenly no reason why Warcraft II can't be
>> played on old computers using a: free, lean, and nice operating system.
> The Battle.net version is supposedly is Win32 native and uses TCP/IP.
> So if you can find that, that might be better for you than trying to
> get a DOS game working on NT (who [server OS] was never targeted for
> games, hence why MS didn't fix bugs there for Quake [DOS]).
> You're right, with enough motivation (and preferably source code), a
> motivated person could fix any of these issues and make it more DOS
> friendly. See Hexen2 [Quake-based], which (thanks to hard work of
> Ozkan Sezer and others) was re-ported back to DOS/DJGPP and works
> fabulously. But that is unlikely to happen for most games, esp. for
> DOS. People would rather work on Linux or Windows native ports (or
> 64-bit) than anything else, apparently.
>> Warcraft II and Freedos's memory footprint is small enough, even if the
>> necessary WIN32 support is added most likely, that one should be able to
>> run the game using freedos in way under 100 megs.  Note that most
>> network cards built into motherboards and many PCI network cards are
>> currently not supported in DOS and one has to take care of that somehow.
>> I think that running Warcraft II Battle.Net edition on a freedos system
>> is possible, but there are a lot of pieces to pull together and Blizzard
>> probably won't offer to help.
> I doubt it would work, but you could also try something like SanOS:
> "
> Sanos is a minimalistic 32-bit x86 OS kernel for network server
> appliances running on standard PC hardware. The kernel implements
> basic operating system services like booting, memory management,
> thread scheduling, local and remote file systems, TCP/IP networking
> and DLL loading and linking. You can use Sanos as a small kernel for
> embedded server applications written in C or as a JeOS (Just enough
> Operating System). Sanos has a fairly standard POSIX based API and an
> ANSI Standard C library.
> A win32 layer allows the Windows version of the standard HotSpot JVM
> to run under Sanos, essentially providing a JavaOS platform for server
> applications.
> Sanos is open source under a BSD style license. Please see the COPYING
> file for details.
> "
> http://www.jbox.dk/sanos/
> N.B. Blizzard has other fish to fry than porting to DOS, and they
> probably make more money that way too. Sadly, that's the name of the
> game these days.
>> Come on Blizzard, these games are not earning you revenue anymore and
>> they are very popular.  It annoys people when a company crushes efforts
>> to create open source clones of it's popular software and this can
>> incite boycotts.  I am a legal owner of Warcraft II BNE, two copies
>> actually.  I should be able to play Warcraft II on systems that
>> are current and supported as well as open.
> They will probably just suggest you run WINE. If your computer is too
> old, they probably don't care. (Heck, most Linux distros don't work on
> older machines anymore. Same with Windows. It's all constant upgrading
> for newer features, more power, etc. Stability and backwards
> compatibility is not as important.)
>> I'm sure ReactOS will work just fine on old hardware if it is
>> stabilized, but it isn't stable right now and the developers have
>> not released since October or longer.  The only way to get free
>> Windows NT it seems is to support the ReactOS project.  Sadly, I
>> can't.  Even if they make their fundraising goals and can hire
>> competent programmers to help move the project along faster,
>> there is no telling when stability will be achieved.
> I sympathize, but it's not realistic to hold on to such extreme hopes,
> esp. for one particular game (though maybe you have others). Games
> just aren't engineered to be portable or last a long time, apparently.
> You'd think they'd be more conscious of this, but alas no. There is
> more of a rush to market than an attempt to create a stable long-term
> platform.
> I know it's not saying much, but I suggest you find other games that
> you like that are better supported. Heck, even GoG.com sells lots of
> old DOS stuff (DRM-free) that usually works in DOSBox. Or stick to the
> super portables like Nethack or Quake or Freecell or similar.   ;-)
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