On Wednesday, April 17, 2013, dos386 wrote:

> > I found that there are almost no desktop GUIs being developed
> There used to be and are many GUI's ... just most of them
> are abandoned as buggy and IIRC Jim Hall removed them all
> from FreeDOS list some time ago.
> http://www.freedos.org/software/?cat=gui  {{deleted}}
> http://www.unet.univie.ac.at/~a0503736/php/drdoswiki/index.php?n=Main.Links#toc4
There used to be a ton of GUIs out there. It seemed for a time that
everyone's pet project was some sort of GUI for FreeDOS. Often, a developer
would start a project, bring it to a "proof of concept" stage, then it
would go stale as the developer moved on to other things. So I stopped
tracking them on the FreeDOS website, but we did mirror those projects that
continued to make releases.

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