   AFAIK, Google's machines (not people) automatically scan your
messages to better target ads at you. They don't keep any private data
(or at least not beyond minimal legal limits).

My ISP is AT&T, formerly Bellsouth (whom AT&T bought out, among
others). Even they (Bellsouth branch) switched the whole email over to
a Yahoo!-based one a few years ago. For various minor reasons, I don't
use that account anymore anyways. (I'm not sure I'd recommend
Outlook.com either, but MS is pretty heavily pushing that these days
too. What else is there? Dunno ....)

I'm not really ragging on Yahoo! (though they aren't my favorite), but
a few years ago they were majorly hacked, and at least two other
Yahoo! users (who are real, trustworthy people in real life) have
indirectly spammed me personally. Scratch that, one other former
FreeDOS contributor also indirectly spammed this list a while back.

My point is:  1). Yahoo! may be insecure,  2). maybe these people need
to change their passwords to thwart the aforementioned hackers, 3).
these people probably aren't actively spamming anyone, so they are
innocent (and we shouldn't ban them all upon first offense, even if

On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 6:28 PM, Chris Evans <aaxiomfin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The privacy of yahoo email users will decrease on July 1st when yahoo will
> begin more aggressive ad scanning of your messages stored on their servers.
> I even noticed a new ad format that looks like it is part of your inbox list
> but its a sponsered ad. I would recommend switching to other providers, I
> wouldn't recommend gmail as google scans your messages too.
> Http://digitalatoll.com offers email that is private and secure  but is not
> free.
> -Chris
> Http://tawhakisoft.com
> On Thursday, June 6, 2013, Rugxulo wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 3:21 PM, James Collins <james.collin...@yahoo.com>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spam_(electronic)
>> Just for the record, here's "yet another" poor Yahoo! sap who's been
>> compromised by spammers. Sad, but oh well, what can you do? (Change
>> your password or use a different provider, I guess.)

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