I tried putting "INSTALL=c:\apps\lbacac~1\bin\LBACACHE.COM" in my
config.sys file and I get an error:

STAK nest!? otherss = [a bunch of numbers and letters] [Repeats several
times]Bad or missing Command Interpreter: command.com /P /E:256
Enter the full shell Command line: [blinking cursor]

Which I don't know how to do so I just turned off the computer. On reboot
Windows ran an automatic chkdsk on my thumbdrive and fixed two files.

I'm a bit confused by the Ramdrive thing. I mean, I get the basic concept.
I take it I would be running Zim "inside" the ramdisk. But would I be able
to access files on "C:" (my thumbdrive) and automatically save those same
files to C: when I choose to do so, without having to manually write weird
directory commands? If not, sounds like too much hassle.

I will try the other cache programs...not sure if the Ramdrive thing is
worth it...I want to be able to use Vim like I would any other editor. Will
a Ramdrive let me do that?

Don't want to use PuppyLinux...don't want to use a full-blown GUI...

I tried deleting that other file from the Vim.exe directory...makes no

The built-in file browser in Vim that I'm referring to is netrw. It's a
plugin, but it ships with Vim 7, is their default browser for opening
files, deleting them, traversing directories, etc. If you want to get to
netrw in Vim, in Normal mode you type ":e ." without the quotes, for

The funny thing is other programs in FDOS on my thumbdrive have no problem
traversing directories quickly. Like if I want to open a file from within
EDIT, or Microsoft Word 5.5, or any number of other programs. Heck, if I
run Necromancer's DOS Navigator, it has no problem being a quick file

Yeah, the reason I settled on Vim is because I wanted something quick and
easy like EDIT but that could reflow text (e.g. wordwrap without carriage
return symbols) like Notepad or Microsoft Word 5.5.

On Sun, Nov 3, 2013 at 4:50 PM, Rugxulo <rugx...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi again,
> On Sun, Nov 3, 2013 at 9:21 AM, Miguel Garza <garz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'm playing with vim in FDOS. It's nice, but a bit slow in some respects,
> > particulary when using its internal file-browser.
> What internal file-browser? LIST? PG? MORE? EDIT? I have no idea, you
> have to be more specific, there are too many pieces.
> > I am running FDOS from a
> > thumbdrive on a modern (well, only a few years old) computer. I added
> > "DEVICE=...himemx.exe" to my config.sys file to fix a separate issue,
> which
> > worked for that issue, but not for vim's slowness. Any ideas?
> I don't actively use VIM. It's a great tool, though, and most people
> (e.g. new://comp.editors) seemed to heavily prefer it over anything
> else. Unfortunately, 7.2 dropped support for 16-bit DOS and 7.4
> dropped DOS (DJGPP) entirely. (Though no huge surprise, they weren't
> ever really interested. They still shipped CWSDPMI r4 years and years
> after r5 and r7 were out, heh.) I don't know if VIM itself is slow for
> what you're trying to do or if it really is just your setup being less
> than optimal. In fact, maybe try deleting (r4) CWSDPMI.EXE if that's
> in the same subdir as VIM.EXE, as it will actually use that by default
> if found. r7 can be much faster (e.g. 2x) on modern machines (4 MB
> pages).
> I don't normally use vi for editing. Okay, I do use it
> semi-frequently, but mostly I prefer TDE, just an old habit. I do use
> VILE a lot on Linux (since the TDE build has keyboard issues there).
> The DJGPP version is very very nice too, though it's not quite as
> advanced as VIM in some ways (e.g. syntax highlighting). I only use
> that rarely in DOS (e.g. VirtualBox, more keyboard bugs, heheh) though
> it's great. It's not slow at all, and it's (also) way more than just a
> minimal vi clone. In fact, it's roughly based upon MicroEmacs, so it
> supports a lot of stuff that most "extended" vi clones support
> (multiple buffers, windows, highlighting, etc).
> There aren't a lot of other good DOS vi clones. Well, Elvis is only a
> 16-bit version, same with the XVI build I found a while back, same
> with SteVIe. Unlikely that I would even pretend you should switch to
> those (unless your setup needed it, of course). Okay, well GNU Emacs
> has Viper (and 23.3 binaries exist for DJGPP), but that's probably
> overkill (180 MB??) for what you want.
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