Hi Karen,

> What discouraged me from using freedos was
> first the "for legacy games use only," suggestion on the site,

That probably was a while ago: Now I would say this is more
the target audience of dosbox, in particular for Windows.

> and second, the lack of  attention to native things like  USB and 
> networking.

A classic for networking is the realtek rtl8139 chipset:
If you find no DOS driver for your new network chip, you
can always plug a PCI network card with that classic chip.

When some modern (gigabit-) network chip is not supported
in DOS, all DOS versions are affected, not only FreeDOS.

> Dos is stable, I have been running the package I referenced for many 
> years, have  found packages like ssh2dos for my networking, and now a fine 
> dos usb browser that works.

I have been wondering if ssh2dos still is useful - I guess
it only supports older protocols and algorithms. I remember
Jack complaining that even the browsers of older Windows (!)
versions do not support TLS: So as SSL 3 is being phased out
for being old and insecure, he can no longer use HTTPS web.

I can imagine that ssh2dos and web browsers for DOS have the
problem in even more severe ways.

> i use dos exclusively daily for all my computing.
> and still sometimes get the sense here that freedos does not take itself 
> seriously enough for me to consider it for my professional needs.

For you yes: The problem is that people often ask questions
like "why is there no LibreOffice and Firefox for DOS". You
know that there are none. They do not, they think there can
be a professional DOS which basically is like Win or Linux,
just "better" in some unknown, magical DOS way.

For people who really need DOS, freedos is a very nice DOS.

Regards, Eric

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