Again I respect that others mileage varies.
And your comment about the debian forum generated a laugh.  Amen brother!
In no way do  I wish  to suggest  freedos is not a fine system for some. it 
is just not a fine system for me.
I have almost 27 years of programs files software and the like  invested in 
the ms edition of DOS.
I still wish to sort of test drive freedos utilities.  For example I 
would love to try the most current freedos utility for long file names.
But I am not a code reading kind of girl.  My computers are tools and I 
trust them to function, say like a pencil when I reach for them.
If something goes wrong I know the reason why fairly swiftly  and knowing 
me I would fall in that 2 % of freedos incompatibility.
On the weekend  the machine presently holding Linux debian will be 
converted to    my main dos computer, with this one open for 
I personally, again speaking for myself, do not regard DOS as Legacy the 
way  freedos is presented to the public.
There is almost nothing I require doing with my main computer that cannot 
be  done with what I amusing.
Whenever I have asked here in the past about a task working in freedos I am 
swiftly referred to something else...which speaks volumes for how 
seriously, again to me  at least, those working on the system  take their 


  On Tue, 31 Mar 2015, Don Flowers wrote:

> Hi Karen -
> Since I am the one who gave a "testimonial" regarding my success with the
> USB drivers, I feel the need to chime in.
>> i use dos exclusively daily for all my computing.
>> and still sometimes get the sense here that freedos does not take itself
>> seriously enough for me to consider it for my professional needs.
> While I do not use DOS professionally. I spend more time in DOS than any
> other OS. I do not use Windows beyond 98SE,  but use Linux for my modern
> computing "needs"
> I  have spent the last 6 months testing various (over 200) vintage DOS
> applications (mostly in the productivity genre) and have found FreeDOS to
> be about 98% compatible. I had two programs that would not run - The Online
> Bible and a Collins dictionary add-in TSR for my Core WordPerfect Suite.
> The OLB had been a long known bug and Messrs. Auer and Rugxulo addressed
> the issue and provided a patch (hopefully it will be permanently
> implemented in the updated kernel). The dictionary TSR is all that remains
> that will not work   and it too seems to be a kernel issue.
> I have found that for the relatively few number of people who actually
> contribute to the FreeDOS project that the support is quite impressive.
> (You should try getting help on the Debian forum sometime) My questions
> have been answered in a timely manner, I am taken as seriously as I take
> FreeDOS; my only regret is that as much as I love DOS/FreeDOS that I am not
> able to contribute beyond testing.
> On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 7:36 PM, Rugxulo <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 2:11 PM, Eric Auer <> wrote:
>>> Hi Karen,
>>>> What discouraged me from using freedos was
>>>> first the "for legacy games use only," suggestion on the site,
>>> That probably was a while ago: Now I would say this is more
>>> the target audience of dosbox, in particular for Windows.
>> I think she's referring to the front page,
>> which says this:
>> "
>> What is FreeDOS?
>> FreeDOS is a free DOS-compatible operating system that can be used to
>> play games, run legacy software, or support embedded systems. FreeDOS
>> is basically like the old MS-DOS, but better!
>> "
>> Clearly there were many of us who enjoyed a lot of DOS games back in
>> the day (mostly '90s), e.g. Doom or Warcraft or King's Quest 6.
>> (Windows-only software became more prominent later on, esp. with
>> Win95. Hexen 2, for instance, which is Quake-based, had to be
>> backported to DOS again.)
>> Eric is right about "DOSBox" being "only for games", by design, but
>> that actually doesn't use FreeDOS (or any real DOS) at all. It's
>> strictly a 486 software-only emulator (GPL!) using SDL. It's even
>> portable to non-x86 machines. And that is used by many companies
>> (, id Software, Sierra, and many more) to sell their "classic"
>> game compilations for modern systems.
>> FreeDOS is certainly not "only" for games, but it can still run most
>> of them (albeit oftentimes without sound due to modern hardware SB16
>> incompatibility).
>>>> and second, the lack of  attention to native things like  USB and
>>>> networking.
>>> A classic for networking is the realtek rtl8139 chipset:
>>> If you find no DOS driver for your new network chip, you
>>> can always plug a PCI network card with that classic chip.
>>> When some modern (gigabit-) network chip is not supported
>>> in DOS, all DOS versions are affected, not only FreeDOS.
>> Blame the hardware engineers. Who else would even know how to write a
>> packet driver?? Certainly not me.
>> FreeDOS is stable, free with sources, and compatible, with many
>> available tools and docs. It's not impossibly hard to find out how to
>> program for it. But obviously some things are easier than others.
>>>> Dos is stable, I have been running the package I referenced for many
>>>> years, have  found packages like ssh2dos for my networking, and now a
>> fine
>>>> dos usb browser that works.
>>> I have been wondering if ssh2dos still is useful - I guess
>>> it only supports older protocols and algorithms. I remember
>>> Jack complaining that even the browsers of older Windows (!)
>>> versions do not support TLS: So as SSL 3 is being phased out
>>> for being old and insecure, he can no longer use HTTPS web.
>> No offense to Jack, but he wouldn't even update his web browser, even
>> when several better options exist (for his ancient NT 4.0). I'm not
>> totally sure if that would actually fix his problem, but he refused to
>> even try (that or anything else). I think he really was naive enough
>> to think that SourceForge would "fix their bug". Ugh. So that's the
>> end of him.
>>> I can imagine that ssh2dos and web browsers for DOS have the
>>> problem in even more severe ways.
>> Maybe. But we just don't have enough developers to do much of anything
>> anymore. We're lucky anything still works.
>>>> i use dos exclusively daily for all my computing.
>>>> and still sometimes get the sense here that freedos does not take itself
>>>> seriously enough for me to consider it for my professional needs.
>>> For you yes: The problem is that people often ask questions
>>> like "why is there no LibreOffice and Firefox for DOS". You
>>> know that there are none.
>> Thanks to various geniuses (esp. Georg), we do have Flwriter and
>> Dillo. Hey, it's far better than nothing, and I don't see anyone
>> trying to do any better!
>> (Eric, you are still a genius too, of course! Not that you need my
>> faint praise.)
>>> They do not, they think there can
>>> be a professional DOS which basically is like Win or Linux,
>>> just "better" in some unknown, magical DOS way.
>> If you don't need compatibility (with DOS or anything else), you can
>> do anything, but you'll have to do it all from scratch. Obviously part
>> of the "problem" with DOS is also the "advantage":  extreme
>> compatibility and stable APIs.
>>> For people who really need DOS, freedos is a very nice DOS.
>> That's a huge understatement, but people don't even appreciate what's
>> already here. They just have no imagination. I know I've harped on
>> this saying a billion times, but it's true:  "A poor carpenter blames
>> his tools."
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