Hello folks,

This quick message to announce a new release of uHex, my hex editor 
targeted to DOS and x86 (which also happen to work on other systems, but 
who cares about non-DOS systems anyway).

Big credits go to Alexey Voskov, who contributed some very nice patches 
to this release of uHex.

Now, here is the changelog.

uHex v1.0.3 [03 Jun 2015]
  - Fixed CGA/MDA/HGC card support (screen height was wrongly detected),
  - Fixed a buffer reusage that was making the search routine to miss 
  - Linux port uses the '-' prefix for command line options instead of '/',
  - Added a read cache to limit disk I/O (nice when using files on 
  - Color highlight for unsaved changes (kindly contributed by Alexey 
  - Video output uses direct memory access instead of BIOS (Alexey Voskov),
  - uHex port to the win32 platform (Alexey Voskov),
  - Lots of micro optimizations to make the code faster and more compact.

uHex is available on its website, as usual:


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