On Sat, May 14, 2016 at 9:22 AM, Jerome E. Shidel Jr. <jer...@shidel.net> wrote:
> Anyhow, these are the problem packages and their probable destinies.
> ZOO - Includes sources, may be Public Domain. No License information.
> Dropped.

Zoo was Rahul Dhesi's open source archiver, released as an alternative
to PKARC back when Phil Katz was being sued by Seaware over use of
their archive format.  The last archive I saw in a zoo format was for
the Amiga.  Zoo got ported to it, and it got some traction as an
archiver for the platform.  I haven't seen anything in zoo format for
the PC in decades. If you drop it, I'll be astonished if it's missed.
(If it *is*, it can still be had from elsewhere should anyone need

> 4DOS - Listed as Free, No Sources. Kept for now, may get Dropped?

4DOS sources, for the original 7.50 release, and the later 8.0 release
by Luchezar Georgiev may be found here, along with 4DOS original
author Rex Conn's open source license:

4DOS is my command processor of choice under DOS.

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