
On Thu, Jun 30, 2016 at 6:52 AM, Abe Mishler <a...@mishlerlabs.com> wrote:
> Does anyone know the state of FreeBASIC? The site (http://freebasic.net)
> has been down for at least 2 days now. Has the project been shuttered?

I'm not in the loop and haven't heard anything privately, but I know
that I browsed there in the past week with no problems. Everything is
still chugging along, AFAIK. So no, it's not anywhere near being
abandoned. (IIRC, the project has been constantly improving since

The most recent release was five months ago (which, all things
considered, is quite a short gap, we don't need new releases every
week). It's already been mirrored to iBiblio for us:


Anything in particular you were looking for?

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