On Thu, Jul 14, 2016 at 4:11 PM, Jose Antonio Senna
<jasse...@vivointernetdiscada.com.br> wrote:
>  On July 13 dmccunney said:

>   > One alternative is to install a new browser.
>    Seems the knee-jerk reaction from support people.
>    And a new OS, and a new computer...

And sometimes it's correct advice.  The computer world changes with
enormous rapidity, and one area where change is fastest is web
browsing.  These days, the push is to support HTML5, and CSS3, with
current JavaScript.  HTML5 is a big push because the <video> keyword
makes it possible to embed video without using Flash.  You still need
a codec to decode and display the video, but the codec is part of the
browser, and not a third party plugin.  CSS3 offers major additional
capabilities in determining how sites look in a manner separated from
their content.  And *everybody* uses JavaScript now.

It's why I don't even try to browse from DOS.  No current DOS browser
comes anywhere close to the support for current web standards that is
really needed, and none *will*.  It's likely not possible under DOS,
and  no one will expend the considerable effort to implement what can
be done under DOS because there's no money in it.  People who can do
that sort of thing expect to be paid for it, and who will do so?

>   >  Another is code that diddles the User Agent string the
>   > browser sends in response to a "What browser are you?"
>   > query...
>   In FF this can be done in the about:config page, without
>  extra code, but I doubt they use this method to identify
>  the browser.

What *do* you think they use?  Most sites I encounter use precisely
the User Agent string, because it's what the browser sends when it's
asked to identify itself.

I've diddled that configuration on the past to lie about what I was
using, to cope with brain dead sites designed to work with IE, or with
sites that didn't recognize the browser I was using (not FF) as one
that supported the standards they required...No problem.  Lie and
claim it's Chrome...

>   I think it is more likely they use jquery to make the
>  client return a response dependent on the javascript
>  version it supports.

Possible, but that's another reason for running a relatively current browser.

>   JAS

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