Hi Jerome,

> Maybe the installer should just assume FULL install + sources

Not really. Almost nobody installs all sources at the same time
and I would not even want the option in the installer: Instead,
I prefer to have the option to install + PACKAGES with sources.
Then I can unzip only those sources that I need, instead of all
of them at the same time.

Also, I would hope that people understand that FULL will be 100s
of MB while BASE gives you everything you loved in MS DOS times
plus a lot more while still needing only a few dozen MB space :-)

In other words, I hope people will see that both FULL and BASE
are nice choices. You could disable the FULL install and show a
message why, if there is enough space for BASE but not for FULL.

You could do for example the following:

Calculate sizes of BASE and FULL and if you really think it will
help the sizes of either with sources. In all cases, assume 32 kB
cluster size to be on the safe side. In other words, round UP to
multiples of 32 kB. Then add 5 MB safety margin. And if desired,
2x the size of the old OS directory if "backup old OS" is active.

If there is less space than calculated, warn the user that FreeDOS
will probably not fit, but allow to continue nevertheless if the
user decides to continue. If there is enough space, tell the user
that the install will take circa PREDICTEDVALUE of FREESPACE and
leave REMAININGVALUE or more free. Then the user can be happy to
hear about the "or more" part :-)

Cheers, Eric

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