> On Nov 8, 2017, at 2:40 PM, Eric Auer <e.a...@jpberlin.de> wrote:
> Hi Jerome,
>> Maybe the installer should just assume FULL install + sources
> Not really. Almost nobody installs all sources at the same time
> and I would not even want the option in the installer: Instead,
> I prefer to have the option to install + PACKAGES with sources.
> Then I can unzip only those sources that I need, instead of all
> of them at the same time.
> Also, I would hope that people understand that FULL will be 100s
> of MB while BASE gives you everything you loved in MS DOS times
> plus a lot more while still needing only a few dozen MB space :-)
> In other words, I hope people will see that both FULL and BASE
> are nice choices. You could disable the FULL install and show a
> message why, if there is enough space for BASE but not for FULL.
> You could do for example the following:
> Calculate sizes of BASE and FULL and if you really think it will
> help the sizes of either with sources. In all cases, assume 32 kB
> cluster size to be on the safe side. In other words, round UP to
> multiples of 32 kB. Then add 5 MB safety margin. And if desired,
> 2x the size of the old OS directory if "backup old OS" is active.
> If there is less space than calculated, warn the user that FreeDOS
> will probably not fit, but allow to continue nevertheless if the
> user decides to continue. If there is enough space, tell the user
> that the install will take circa PREDICTEDVALUE of FREESPACE and
> leave REMAININGVALUE or more free. Then the user can be happy to
> hear about the "or more" part :-)
> Cheers, Eric

Or, just put a note on the download page saying it requires X mb free space for 
a full install and Y for only Base. Then let the user worry about the problem.

I don’t recall the poll numbers for use case. But, I have the impression that 
the majority of users are not installing onto an existing system with minimal 
free space. Mostly, they are installing into a virtual machine. Some are 
setting up legacy hardware on clean machines. 

I just don’t see it as a problem should take priority over other issues. Maybe 
I’m wrong. But, that’s my 2 cents worth.


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