
On Mon, Feb 19, 2018 at 2:53 PM, jamie marchant
<jamie.march...@sympatico.ca> wrote:
>  I can't seem to get Windows 3.1 to run in 386 mode, is this a limitation
> for FreeDos?

Please don't take this the wrong way. I don't blame you for tinkering!  ;-)

But I wonder why you want to use such ancient (unsupported!
proprietary!) software. If Win 3.x was FOSS, it would be easy to
support (famous last words!). But it's not. And even the vendor gave
up on it. (Wikipedia says, "Unsupported as of December 31, 2001", back
when XP was brand new!) Even Win64 doesn't care.

Eric is right to suggest WINE as a possible solution. And yes, you can
allegedly run under DOSBox, too (not that I've tried).

Then again, MS has geared up to launch some ARM laptops with Win32 emulation:


I don't know all the details, not even sure if it's out or for sale
yet! But it sounds intriguing. (I'm not really suggesting buying new
hardware as a true, first solution to your needs. But unless you like
scrounging around for half-baked solutions like the rest of us here,
it might honestly be a safer bet. Then again, who knows, maybe their
Win32 emulation doesn't cover 16-bit stuff!)

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