On Thu, May 02, 2019 at 10:16:52AM -0400, dmccunney wrote:

> No, I simply think the point in the article was wrong, based on
> experience with the platform,
> Your mileage obviously varies.

I was using Commodore 64 (then C-128) since May (or June) 1985 - and I don't
share your feelings.

For example, you wrote: "Start to load a big application, like GEOS, and go
have coffee".

It is a proof, that you weren't actual C-64 user; because if you were, you
surely would remember that *exactly GEOS* has built-in fastloader routines
that made it loaded quite fast, even when using floppy without any
"floppy-speeder" add-on (very common in use among real C-64 users).

Indeed "not boosted" 1541 disk drive was very slow - they had to make it
slow because of hardware bug in VIA 6522 discovered too late - but almost
immediately there emerged various "fast load" routines (see: 
https://www.pagetable.com/?p=568 ), utilities (like Vorpal, making floppy
even up to 25 times(!) faster purely by software), cartridges (Epyx, Final
etc.) and hardware speeders (Speeddos, Prologic DOS, Dolphin DOS). You could
also simply replace ROMs of your C-64 - if you had one - and of 1541 with
the ones containing "fast" routines (Jiffy DOS, 10x "boost factor").

So there were many ways to cure the problem almost from the very start on

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