On Mon, Nov 25, 2019 at 08:58:11PM +0000, Jose Isaias Cabrera wrote:

> Indeed, indeed, ZB.  You hit the nail right on the head.  Hmmm, or should I 
> say, "missed the nail completely." I remember back in the days, when my A1000 
> use to load a full OS with two floppies, and it ran all type of software.  I 
> bought a 120M hard drive, and I had all public domain software in that drive, 
> and I still had over 80M left. Darn, the good ole days.  Wait, the bad ole 
> days...

You know, they usually say: "the gear is here, why not use it" - which
translates to: "now we can afford to waste CPU cycles and HDD/RAM space -
why not waste it then?"

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