On 16/03/2020 20:35, Karen Lewellen wrote:
Joseph, you opted for the braille and speak emulator, does that mean there exist other synthesizer emulators, for example is there a type & speak one or  a dectalk one?

I did some research and did not find any. The braille and speak system has been chosen probably because its protocol is simple and amount of features quite limited, which makes it easier to emulate.

In fact, I created my own Braille 'n Speak emulator last night. I'm not sure yet what to do with it - so far I connected it to a FreeDOS install running under VirtualBox and played with JAWS, but other usages would be possible as well: for example it could be installed on some cheap Raspberry Pi as a hardware alternative to aging devices.

Mateusz,  your explainations   help me a great deal.  My understanding is that, rather than installing freedos  via this fashion in a way that allows the use of actual hardware, the ports themselves are virtual, meaning it must be installed on a machine running something else, windows I suppose.

Windows or Linux, yes. The thing that allows to run an operating system within another operating system is called a hypervizor, and some hypervizors (VirtualBox and VMWare Player are two examples, but there are more) make it possible to redirect the COM port of the virtualized system somewhere else - for example a program that emulates a synthesizer.

further,  how current is Freedos  with DOS browsers?  Lynx is updated regularly for example.  there is a dos edition of l i n k s, as well adding JavaScript  of a sort.  what is the most current edition of Lynx incorporated into Freedos for example?

No idea, I do not use DOS for browsing the www, sorry. That being said, you might be interested in browsing the gopherspace. The gopherspace is a fully textual environment, the predecessor of the web really. There are still many enthusiasts running their own gopher servers world wide. Of course it is not an alternative to the web, but it does have interesting content, and seems to be perfectly suited to sight-impaired people due to its "text only" nature. I have written a gopher client for DOS, it is called "gopherus" and can be found here: http://gopherus.sourceforge.net


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