
> - the newer the mobo, the more likely it can use some part of "conventional
>   memory" (first 640 KB) for its own purposes, like my ASRock mentioned in
>   that other thread

For example for SATA controllers or USB.

> - the newer the motherboard, the more likely it'll offer less and less UMB,
>   and I mean _really less_; my old VLB Soyo (SiS) mobo reports over 138 KB
>   of UMB, while motherboard featuring Athlon64 offers only about 30 KB UMB

Is that with EMM386 NOEMS option? I expect EMS 3.2 to
be rarely necessary and with NOEMS you can still use
EMS 4.0 which people often forget. With 64k extra UMB.

I would really recommend a PCI or PCIe graphics card
for DOS, at least AGP. Very few DOS applications know
how to use acceleration and ISA is REALLY slow in data
transfer. So the faster transfer of PCI etc. really
helps most DOS games. Also, VESA VBE BIOS is nice :-)

Regards, Eric

PS: Very interesting that your floppy controller from
the other thread DOES support two drives in Linux, but
not in DOS, as a possible BIOS issue.

>> [..]
>> PS: Since I no longer use a mainboard which remembers ISA,
>> maybe *somebody else* would like to play with my collection
>> of special PCI soundcards which claim to support DOS games?
> Have a look at the thread "Using Yamaha the YMF744 under DOS without
> legacy/ISA addressing":
>  https://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?t=61256
> The thing looks cumbersome and somewhat complicated, but still (in many
> cases, even if not always) feasible

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