Hi Jim,

as I am referring to the BTTR thread, "both" versions means:

> There are currently 2 binaries delivered in the fdisk package:
> - FDISK.EXE, version 1.2.1, dated 4/2003
> - FDISK131.EXE, version 1.3.1, dated 11/2008



Recent updates in the thread says that the error probably
got triggered by FDISK rounding (instead of rounding up)
partition starts to the nearest (instead of next) start of
a cylinder. So if you have partitions made with other tools
which do not end on a cylinder boundary, our FDISK can make
the next partition at an OVERLAPPING position.

This also seems to depend on fdisk config file contents and
on whether the fdisk config file exists at all. One version
(1.3.1) just utterly fails to work on Japheth's computer.

Regards, Eric

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